How old can you go? thoughts of Dr. Roizen

“Disease prevention is not the same as wellness”  a quote from Dr. Roizen of the Cleveland Clinic.  Dr. Roizen’s Cleveland Clinic has been able to reverse chronic disease in over 80% of cases; and they did it through therapeutic lifestyle change...
Massage Therapy Recommendations from Ralph Havens Physical Therapy

Massage Therapy Recommendations from Ralph Havens Physical Therapy

Jen T. Energy Jen Toussant, HHP A licensed and certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Jen Toussant is Ralph Havens Physical Therapy’s recommended massage therapist. Having trained for over 1100 hours at Mueller College of Holistic Studies, and with extensive...

Health Care Debate – What can be done about it?

Health Care Debate:  How to Control Costs and Insure everyone Over the past few months, I have noticed a lot of people are talking on T.V., on public radio ( , in movies, in the Senate, House of Representatives, the White House and in the community about...

Why Nutrasweet (aspartame) is to be avoided at all costs

Hi everyone,  There is so much data now on why Nutrasweet (aspartame) is to be avoided, it’s amazing it is still on the market.  I found a blog of someone with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia who is going to get off Nutrasweet and see what changes she notices.  I...

community evening: testing your food and supplements yourself

Hi everyone, we will be doing a community evening at the end of this month to show you all how to test your own food and supplements for yourselves. You can learn how to tell whether or not your body is able to process and eliminate foods and supplements and whether...

Gluten Sensitivity Research – If you have an auto-immune problem you need to read this.

As we have been seeing a rise in gluten sensitivity and as we have been helping our patients recover their health by eliminating gluten, we have looked to the medical and scientific research on gluten sensitivity and found that a search of celiac disease shows over...

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