Hi Ralph,
Since last weekend, when i washed floors and did a significant amount of cleaning/heavy lifting, I have been in horrible pain across my hips right beneath my back.
I’ve lived for 3 days on Aleve because the paid has been so severe that i can’t turn in bed or even put my socks on to get ready for work in the mornings…
Whatever you did this morning appears to have helped miraculously well — the pain has gone from a 10 to a 1 and I can’t attribute it to anything other than your healing session this morning…I’m blown away!
Sara C.
Ralph Havens is a great healer and a wonderful person. He does a variety of different practices including IMT Physical Therapy. I first saw him in San Diego for back issues resulting from car accidents. His healing methods worked! I completely recovered!
He is a gentle and thorough healer. He also knows a lot about food and nutrition. He helped me make changes in my diet that alleviated physical pain and improved my digestion.
Ralph has found a way to do long distance healings for his clients. It’s wonderful to see him on Skype or talk by phone.
He now teaches some great classes that help people in all aspects of life. He really does know a lot about helping people define what they want in life and he has developed tools that his students can apply so they can improve the conditions they want to see changed.
I highly recommend connecting with Ralph Havens, no matter what category you need help with. He is very generous with his time and talent. He will treat you very well and do everything he can for you so you can meet your goals.
Nancy F.
WOW! It really is amazing, your pre test got my left hip “unjammed” causing my left quad to FINALLY no longer be seized up! I’ve been stretching for months, using the roller, the stick, muscle relaxing creams, walking, you name it and nothing else has worked. I have been in so much pain from this. And now I’m not after just 1 minute of walking around during this “pre-test” . I don’t really understand it but I am so relieved.
You truly are a magical healer.
Thank you so much for my relief,
PS. Have a blessed day!
6-27-19 later in the day…
And I’m still pain free. It lasts! I can’t believe it’s lasting. Wait, I’m going to shift that thinking. I can believe and I am so grateful. Thanks again, Ralph!
Feel free to add that as my PS, LOL!
Much love to you and your family,
Hi Ralph,
I decided to send you my feedback if you want to use it as testimonials. Feel free to correct my English by keeping the point.
“Hello world,
If you ever wondered if Ralph is as nice, warm and caring person as he appears at his videos, trust me, he is more than that. I had first 1-2-1 session with him from Europe. It was so easy to set the meeting and I was so exciting about that experience. The most valuable thing was his dedication to make you realise “what is it that you really want in life”. Trust me, it is not the first thing that comes to you mind. It is just the first step, the basic and fundamentals towards your end goal. I was so sure that what made me contacted Ralph was health and fear issues, however, after Ralph being so good with asking so many questions about what I really want, I realized that my first answer was just a first step.
The condition that made me look for someone as Ralph was something to be grateful for not said. It made me realized that if I hadn’t been in pain and fear I would’t have known that there is more out-there for me. It wouldn’t made me think who am I, what makes me happy, what would I do if I had anything that I wanted? Those were all Ralphs questions and then I realized. I just want to be the best version of myself, to live my life in the present moment without past or future thoughts and to go with a flow. To have my heart tells me my next steps, moment after moment, not my mind. This is what I want. And you know what? I woke up feeling like I already got it. Just because Ralph helped me in his unique way realizing my purpose. I can’t wait to see what will unfold after many options of his support and energetic treatments. My heart is now smiling and was so sad before our session. And for the last note, I was looking so much for today’s group session, my first one, to see what I will notice, however, I totally forgot about it due to the time difference. When I received his email, it reminded me and I realized that between 4 and 5 pm I smiled in my car, I was full of life after looong time. Thank you Ralph. To all of you out there, I encourage you to take a few minutes of your time and realize what is ti that you really want? First and last step. Ralph will certainly take you there.”
I love how Ralph never limits himself. Every session is different because he follows whatever pops up and what does pop up is always “interesting”, “cool”, or “awesome”, but it’s never a formula. It’s whatever is unfolding right in front of him. He’s creative and playful and genuinely wants to help you to get the healing that you want/need. When you work with him, shifts happen and you walk away changed.
Kelly Hong -Williams Birch Bay, Wa
Your work has taken me to an unimaginable place .
I now see the world as a magnificent playground to experience everything and anything without judgement and just allowing myself to be .
Ever grateful .
Maniza Essa
“So much has shifted, healed and transformed. I am living a life with love and purpose.
First of all I’d like to express my deep gratitude for all the many ways I’ve come to know healing thru working with you. I have healed mentally,emotionally,physically and spiritually. Working with you has helped me to gain clarity about what I want. The work helps me to live in and from my heart.
The changes and transformations have appeared to me sometimes instantly and sometimes have occurred over time. That’s why noticing what is different every day is a good practice.
One example I’d like to share is that I asked for good oral and dental health a couple of years ago. I have had many dental procedures thru my life, I am 54 years old. I have an uncle and a cousin who live in Germany, I live in the USA. We hadn’t had contact for 30 years, and they reached out to me. We are reconnecting and my heart is healing. I changed my diet, no refined sugars or grains. I’ve incorporated a regular habit of consuming Bone broth ,and doing coconut pulls. My last exam a few months ago showed healthy teeth and healthy gums. I found a good and honest dentist who isn’t about the latest and most expensive dental procedures. Phew! What a huge relief.
What Ralph’s work has helped me with is to go ahead and ask for what I want, take practical steps of action, and then observe and see what happens.
Just look at me Forest Gump said, “miracles happen every day, only thing most people don’t notice.”
Thanks for asking me to reflect. I’m living a whole new life because of you and your work. Thank you!”
Since meeting you and utilizing the skills you have learned, my entire life has shifted. Not only did the shoulder and neck pain I have been plagued by for the last 7 years disappear, my emotional state has drastically improved. I am much happier without having to look for causes, I feel lighter and am able to feel deeper emotionally than I can ever remember being able to. Colors are brighter, laughter is louder, love is bigger and my ability to bless others with those things has improved also. Needless to say, because of you and your work, my life is better, period. I have a clearer path of my future, I feel more connected to myself and everyone else around me. Also, I was able to take steps in my personal life that have been always stopped by fear. I am moving States to live with my beautiful girlfriend and planning a life together is real now, not just some dream with no wind of courage. I don’t know what you did but I am not the same person I was when we met.
I am forever grateful.
– Matthew Jay Castillo
I cannot thank you enough for the stellar weekend. Not only was it amazingly informative in the realm of business, but it gave me a certain sense of achieveability with the large goals I have set for myself.
And thank you, Ralph. The person you have decided to become and who you choose to be everyday is such an inspiration. You are truly a modern day Humanoid Yoga, sir. You carry universal wisdom which blesses all you are around. I am honored to have spent the time with you that I have and I am excited to learn from you.
Thank you again for everything Ralph. You truly are one of my heroes.
-Matthew Jay Castillo
Thank you Yoda!
Seriously, you are teaching me that I may bless the lives of so many more people. Since watching your auto immune videos, my hair seems to have stoped falling out. The hair loss seems to be coming to an end.
For all that you are and all that you do,Thank you.
Since watching your auto immune videos, my hair seems to have stoped falling out. The hair loss seems to be coming to an end.
For all that you are and all that you do,
Thank you.
“Ive never been a runner but looking up things to do with ruptured Achilles tendons I came across Ralph. All I did was joint the Thursday group. On the Monday the ultrasound said 50% rupture and to maybe consider surgery if doesn’t get better. On the Friday I was walking much easier . Surgery averted. The only thing that happened that week was Ralph!”
After watching a couple of Ralph’s videos, I decided to follow his repeated instruction to notice what you notice, and then notice what’s different. I noticed that I wanted a new client and then noticed that I felt a bit different about that. Nothing crazy. I felt a bit more positive, calmly confident, and almost a sense of anticipation. Wouldn’t you know, just a little later, I laid down to take a nap. My phone rang, and it was someone calling to make a same-day appointment. This person was reading in a sauna and was hit with the notion to schedule a session, did a web search, and found my website. You can call it a coincidence if you want, but I know better. Since that, I’ve learned a lot more by watching Ralph’s videos and having the distinct pleasure of speaking with him in person. If you’re interested in expanding your consciousness, awareness, possibilities, and abilities, Ralph’s work may just be the place to start.
If you want to change any part of that, go ahead. I hope you’re having a beautiful day!
Katie Johnson,
Wanda’s Story
Oct. 22nd 2016
I had 2 sessions with Ralph during a 2 week vacation to the Pacific Northwest. It was like having my very own Gentle Wise Wizard!
During and after the sessions, things shifted. Stuff was gone that I didn’t need any more and I was glad to give them a one way passport to extinction!
Pain I had in my back (for 20 years) when sitting in those dratted airplane seats…Poof! Gone! Bye Bye….thanks for the lessons.
Food allergies and sensitivities to even good healthy food…..markedly better. More choices! Happy Body! Happy taste buds!
Anger toward my Mom for feeding me very unhealthy food when I was a child………transmuted to understanding, and Love.
Brain fog when around synthetic perfume, and discomfort when I was around those who wore it: Done! Hello brain! I didn’t really realize this until 3 weeks after the sessions with Ralph. I was standing next to a woman at a party and I realized I thought her perfume smelled nice… and I was thinking clearly and feeling great! This has been an issue for me for over 30 years!
After the first session with Ralph, I could comfortably be in a new rental car with chemical smells without the mask I was previously wearing in the car
Prior to seeing Ralph, I was having knee pain. My husband and I went on 17 hikes during the 2 week vacation. I had virtually no knee pain! Only 2 times I had a ‘tweak’ of pain for about a second.
I’m amazed and grateful for these shifts in my life! I was already doing many things to improve my health and well-being. I feel that having those sessions with Ralph was a key element in having more emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health and happiness in my life.
Thank you Ralph!
Wanda Honeycutt
San Diego, CA
June 16th, 2016
These sessions are life altering . Transformation from the very core of our being . I’ve shifted beyond limits,
Maniza Essa
June 10th, 2016
Having worked with Ralph Havens, PT, weekly for more that 6 months (ongoing sessions are so much better than once in a while, with Ralph), I’d strongly recommend him.
Mentally and Emotionally, I now have more creative fast thinking, am happier and more peaceful. Physically, my knee, back and feet are more flexible and strong.
These had been chronic issues. Also, my eyesight and hearing are better. One of my favorite results from Ralph’s work is that I’ve lost weight and kept it off and
got rid of my belly, leaky gut and digestive issues. These are just a few of the life-enhancing results that I’ve received from working with Ralph Havens. I’ve been in the holistic field for decades and have never seen anyone as effective at working Body, Mind and Spirit as Ralph Havens. I strongly suggest that you work with him on a continual basis as his work – WORKS!
Wenty Hill, Professional Fairy Godmother
June 10th, 2016
Currently, I am having an ongoing six month sessions with Ralph Havens and must say that the sessions are a great boost to my energy and awareness. Through them, I have been lead to so many deep realizations of my life situation and cleared so much past stagnant entanglements. It is like being initiated to a higher level of life, all together. I also highly recommend the six month duration to really get things moving.
Armi Sirkkala-Barnes
March 10th, 2016
I had foot drop in 2008 and while I was visiting I had IMT and my foot was getting stronger by the end of the week and finished with more PT after I got home. In 2009, Ralph was here for the Columbus Marathon and it was after I had a pacemaker inserted and had been working on being able to get my arm back up above my head. I could only reach my left arm up to about 6″ below my right arm, when Ralph worked on me, with Matrix Energetics, for maybe 10 minutes. I started to feel a pain in my left trapezius muscle and then felt a sensation that the pain corkscrewed out of my body. At that time I could then get my left arm as high as my right arm. I am mostly a left brain person and understand concrete things, so I don’t understand how Ralph does it, but he helps people.
December 24th, 2015
I felt sick for a few minutes after the session but soon after there was a veil lifted. My right leg hurt and then the pain went away. I felt clearer about life, about what I want, my goals, my aspirations. Felt very focussed about what I want to create in my life. I guess the right foot is about the masculine going forward. The bits of aimlessness that I’ve lived with all my life…vanished after the session
My deepest gratitude to you Ralph, you do amazing work
Thank you,
December 18th, 2015
I did the online streaming session with you in October and now I would like to let you know what happened after that. I met a woman who told me about my life purpose and so on.I had talked to some other people about this before, but this time it’s different and it’s the first time I have a version of my life purpose which feels right for me!
And I also got 2 concerts in which I did great job as leader. Again, I had been a good leader for many projects. But this time it was special. I felt different maybe because it was created from the heart field!
Thank you so much Ralph for your great help! These experiences made me very happy. This is what I have been looking for. To experience life from the heart!
November 23rd, 2015
My daughter noticed an awareness (almost like a headache in her third eye area) as soon as we left. She also experienced images while in the session that we’re also new to her.
I have experienced some new range of motion in my big toe that I hadn’t had for quite some time. I also seem to have had less knee joint and shoulder joint inflammation. It was really a great experience!
Thank you so much for letting us join the group on 11/21, it was a life changing experience to watch you work! Many thanks!
October 23rd, 2015
” I am “straightening up and flying right!” My posture is shifting, my bones are realigning and my discipline to tune into my bodymind and enhance the trail of energy I experience is a daily occurrence.
My body is shifting at the sacrum. My feet have opened up, all weight evenly distributed and I feel the earth connection channel. My knee congestion seems immaterial, as if the feet and sacrum are taking care of them without my conscious attention!
The reason why I struggle with self-acceptance became clear yesterday. And what an easy fix it really is! Love your mother…..all mothers, all mothering, Mother Earth. It’s all the same.
Thank you so much. That can sound so trite yet from my heart to yours, blessings! “
October 21st, 2015
I feel more confident. I feel stronger. I’m much calmer as well. I am loving the new me.
Everyday was a struggle.. every day a dilemma in trying to make the smallest decisions.. I had to ask sum1 else for opinion to make decisions for myself… today. I can decide.. without 2nd guessing.. without panicking.. I am still able to help with sum1 else’s decision.
Ralph. U can’t imagine the gift u have given me.. I just want to become better and better. I want to grow more.. personally.. intelectually. Emotionally. I don’t only wnt to help myself. But I want to also come to a stage where I can touch other people’s hearts without getting emotional about it. I want to work with u more.
I once again
Thank u. I thank u.. I thank u..
I am eternally great full to u.
January 15th, 2015
Ralph’s work is truly cutting edge. I love that it is gentle but yet so effective. He is able to identify blockages that we personally may not be aware of and help shift it’s energy into something new and full of possibilities. I was able to be a part of a group session that was fun, intriguing, and helpful for all involved. The free Thursday email sessions have show shifts as well. In particular my infant son has not been pooping regularly and after he was used as a surrogate that Thursday he pooped. And has been shortening the length of time in between BMs. Some other changes that I have experienced is the bringing of useful tools into my field. I have seen good changes come from Ralph’s works and would recommend anyone to participate in a session and see what shifts for you. Thanks so much for your kindness Ralph and Jenn!
October 15th, 2015
I have always been an uptight person, meaning that my muscles were always contracted and tensed up. After several sessions with Ralph, my muscles have relaxed. As a result, here are several things that have been affected. MY POSTURE I have been trying to improve my posture for many years, but really never made any head way. Now I stand up and sit up straight and my shoulders are back where they should be. Now I hold my head up high. It feels great. RANGE OF MOTION My neck muscles have been hard and achy for over 45 years. In addition I had neck surgery a few years ago, and my neck has been pretty stiff with limited range of motion. My neck no longer aches from the tension and I can turn my head from side to side much further than I have been able to do for years. IMPROVED SLEEPING I am now able to sleep on my back without a pillow because it is comfortable to so. I had been snoring so loudly that my wife would not be able to get to sleep and many times it would wake me up as well. I also used to stop breathing periodically, which was worrisome for my wife. I am happy to say that my wife has not noticed my breathing being interrupted and my snoring is soft and no longer disruptive. JAW CHANGES I have had trouble with my jaw popping when chewing and grinding my teeth when sleeping. My jaw has found a new relaxed location. I no longer grind or clench my teeth in my sleep and my jaw rarely pops when I am chewing. Walking I am 64 and was beginning to walk like an old man. I was hunched over and walked very stiffly. Now I feel like I walk upright and fluidly. SHORTNESS OF BREATH I was noticing that I was huffing and puffing just walking from my barn to my house. That is all gone and I am no longer short of breath. I am anxious to see what other changes I notice in the future. Thanks Ralph for the major tune-up. I am ready for the next 30 years. • • •
before the August Online Healing and Transformation session from S.K.
What I’d like to shift:
Beliefs surrounding self-worth (insecurity, doubt, self-limiting thought patterns)
Abundance of good things (general happiness, positive relationships, finances)
My state of allowing, receptivity and openness
My posture (rounded shoulders, tight pecs/anterior neck musculature)
Chronic upper back/neck/shoulder tension (left side especially e.g., left atlas, clicking left TMJ, left SCM/scalenes, left upper trap/levator scap, left jaw/ear issues)
Chronic dysmenorrhea
After the August Healing and Transformation Session from S.K.
Ok much different today and even late last night. THe pain is almost totally gone from the left side. ROM has no pain or restriction like it did before. But I can still feel the pattern if that makes sense. It’s as if I can still feel the old morphic pattern even tho the physical manifestation of it has disappeared. Probably a lot like the phantom limb phenomenon. I’m more aware of my postural correction now…like the new posture is kicking in repeatedly and is working up to being the new normal. Mentally I feel more confident but the emotional part is not far behind.
Feeling good!! Thanks again, as always 🙂
and a week after the session again from S.K.
Confidence level is up and I’ve received a new job offer to get the passive income I’ve been trying to manifest over the past 5 months. Came out of ‘nowhere’ and is something that is lined up with my passions. I’m very excited! I was actually offered two opportunities the same day. One was in line with my passions and one was not. It was so nice to have both back to back so that I could really feel the difference.
Posture is still coming along. Neck ROM is still great. The musculature is still a bit tight (feels like occiput/clavicle trap attachments and SCM…possibly also scalenes/pec minor) but the atlas trouble is nearly gone…maybe 25% lingering. That’s a massive improvement! The biggest thing is that I didn’t need to go get an adjustment to get the improvement. I’m glad to have such a nice alternative! I was raised to pretty much believe chiro was the end all/be all to this problem. Which is ironic since I’ve been dealing with it for so long with no lasting results, HAHA! So just to know that the mental shift has happened is such a blessing. Thank you 🙂
October 9th, 2015
I’m feeling s huge shift after yesterday’s session. I feel so alive and connected to myself. Be kind!! It’s flowing, the kindness is flowing. It’s such a beautiful experience and state to be in. I feel in the moment. Your work is incredible and priceless.
August 14th, 2015
For the Thursday Session. Was great.
Ive been feeling great.. I feel more in touch with the universe than ever before. I also feel that opportunities are coming to me more easily than ever.
Thank u once again for these sessions.
August 12th, 2014
Very good. Pain went away in my ankle and felt a buzzing in my calves. Thank you 🙂
Reply ·
August 6th, 2015
“All these sessions lend me courage to just let go! and trust! Because I am seeing instant responses when I do, receiving instant information when I do.”
July 4th, 2015
Hello! I just wanted to say thanks for what you are doing with Thursdays. I thoroughly enjoy the email/sessions and they always have gems for reflecting. Today I got a call from my co-parenter that our daughter was sick, vomiting every few hours. After our discussion I got of the phone and decided to give her a distance Bodytalk session. Mirroring your playful energy, I placed Asa’s energy into mine (I became Asa) and did a session. I kept hearing “do nothing and leave nothing undone” so I went through the motions feeling like I was both doing something powerful and not doing anything. I felt an incredible shift. I let it go. I called to check in about an hour after and she’s doing great, up and playing, eating… It was so fun and playful and rewarding to play with healing instead of trying to accomplish something. Thank you! May you be so blessed today and always.
May 23rd, 2015
I start an email each week to tell you of the shifts that occur on Thursdays. I’m not finishing them so here I am now to give true thanks for your assistance with the Field. One day, the moment shifted on a dime, as they say. I saw it, felt it and watched how it eased the struggling moment between myself and mother-in-law. Then we were gifted in finding our favorite Italian chef, who creates food with such love, we were beside ourselves. Only Love nourishes more than great food! smile emoticon
May you both be experiencing the best of experiences.
Many loving blessings!
May 23rd, 2015
I breathe when I brush my teeth. i breathe when i do my face exercises. I no longer mince my steps, my strides are long & I move just as fast, but now I’m breathing deeply as I walk. 🙂
Hi Ralph
Where do I begin? So post the session on Thursday, I have noticed that I’ve fallen more in love with my self. There are bubbles in my heart. There’s joy and there’s peace and contentment and sms belief that I am love and I want to be happy, just happy. I never want to struggle for money, needs. I want to manifest a happy, abundant and wealthy reality for myself and enjoy every moment with my loved ones. The need to be wealthy is no longer a need but to experience flow, to enjoy and to be just in constant flow. To never think about affordability of anything but just enjoy life. I know sounds repetitive but each time I say it, I love it.
Thank you Ralph, thank you for touching our lives with the magic that you do.
April 16th, 2015
I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to this phenomenal work that is being done .
I am indeed truly Blessed to be a part of these healing sessions . Thank you .
After last weeks session, I immediately began to feel my health recover. I cannot even explain my recovery process. A beautiful miracle. Where I once thought that my health will forever be compromised ,I now feel and see the hope.
I consulted with two Doctors this week and they both were very pleased at my remarkable recovery . The wound is now 80% better and perhaps another two weeks and I should fully recover .
Ralph I felt compelled to write to you many times but was very embarrassed to do so , it feels like I am constantly complaining but then I had a realization. We are continuous changing beings. With this change we are challenged at every moment. For some it is easy and for others it is s struggle . I know that some of my recent challenges have been overwhelming.
I thank you and all those who assist with the healing.
Whilst I was once hesitant I am now a firm believer of energetic healing .
March 27th, 2015
Hi Ralph,
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Four hours after your session most of the symptoms were gone! Fever dropped,head was clear and heaviness gone. Pressure in lungs too.
During the night I got higher fever but I am not feeling weak and bad as before.
Warm hug
March 20th, 2015
Hi Ralph,
I wanted to let you know that my joint pain has decreased significantly, I’ve lost 5 lbs of water weight since I saw you. I also got the kindle edition of Nourishing Traditions and have enjoyed reading through it.
I also feel a shift in making myself a priority/self love…non-codependance.
Thank you,
Dear Ralph…What beauty. I love these magical Thursdays. I think I’m more entangled each week…seems like they are getting more and more relevant/beautiful/healing/juicy each week. I appreciate what you do so much. This is a note to say it and I look very forward to showing my appreciation with an offering asap. Bless you!
February 13th, 2015
My eye has certainly gotten
better and a tension that I was feeling in my abdomen is much more relaxed
as well. Also my jaw has found a way to relax! I am noticing other shifts
too in my relationships and I am really thankful for the work!
Thank you so much again! I am really happy to have become acquainted with
you and your work!
Many blessings!
February 9th, 2015
Hello Ralph, I don’t see who else to give credit to, except you! Feeling so much lighter, grounded, gathered and centered! Feeling more present and comfortable in my skin. It’s blissful, Thank you
Seriously over the years have had so much work done on myself but have not shifted
And two sessions with you and I feel so much lighter,
January 31st, 2015
Hi Ralph,
Since last week’s financial issues ME play you did I’m having one of my best income week’s in a quite a while. Several transactions had been in the works for weeks and several of those manifested this week and more anticipated going into next week and a couple of unexpected clients showing up.
My ego of course, wants to know how it happened and also how to keep it going and growing so that’s a suggestion for next week’s ME group healing that you do.
I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed.
January 30th, 2015
Hi Ralph, feel more energized today, rearing to go! The lethargy, inertia that existed before has lifted. I find that incredible, thank you so much. Your work is very powerful. Thank you
December 22nd, 2014
“things have been interesting lately…very in the FLOW would be the easiest way to explain it; clarity, and effortlessness and in so doing I am getting a LOT done. Its a good space to be in “
“It’s a $100 session that will give you $10,000 worth if clarity. Just trust me on it “
November 18th, 2014
Hi Ralph,
Yesterday was a very positive session-I think what you are doing works.
The biggest changes today were improvement in the hand (It is closing so much better) and you started that last week on Thursday.
My attitude is getting better too!
Thank you for all the support this weekend and help!
You guys are Rock Stars!
November 5th, 2014
Today is being such amazing day ….. I’m having experience out of my body ….
all day feeling all the love and blessings and so much appreciation for every one and everything …
I cry I : ))) I just being some where i never being before … and in yoga class was like I was seeing life or me detach from my body …. the mind took place and the body was gone , not sure how put this in words for you …. surreal and yet very powerful ….
i did have a talk to the moon just now and it feel she was connect to me ….
no I’m not in drugs just very high in life , in love and so grateful to be here ….
When you just connect to your heart very deep all the fear all the bad stuff is gone ….
is nothing but love and beautiful things ….
Thanks Ralph to open this door for me I really appreciate that very much ….
much love to you and family : )
October 19th, 2014
Dear Ralph,
I met you and Yoda this past week at BIONS. Thank you for your presentation.
You may have guessed I have a great deal of body awareness. The work you did was perceptible to me at the time, and seems like with your hands as wands I was able to have access to multidimensional modalities and conceptual connections that touched into my liquid form. With strong trust and intention which you communicated to me, I accepted the healing of my spine and my finances. Actually there is so much more, and until now I have not been able to give it voice. I figured if I started writing it would come to the surface from the depths of my being.
There is a sense of things coming out my pours, old congestion, that lung and liver stuff you found. It feels like a constant renewing movement up and out of my spine, a little bit like having wings. Then when I got a psychic reading today (something I had planned) the reader saw me so amazingly grounded, barefoot in the dirt. That’s it.I am upright and connected to Source. My back doesn’t hurt any more from that global sprain I received/caused 2 weeks ago. I walked 2 miles tonight.
I know when to leave the room without explaining or straining my energy or soul. I am tuned into myself in a new way that I really haven’t been since birth, a time when worry and trauma was imprinted onto me and I was dominated by others most of my life. However, more recently I have been finding joy and freedom again. I know I was guided to spent those moments in your healing aura.
I know more will unfold. For now, I will say please include me on yur email list. I look forward to seeing you again. Something about sleep is different. I am tired but it is more of a secure feeling.
I had a test today. I woke up from a 2 hour nap after a productive and sweet early part of the day. There was a knock on my door from an unwanted visitor. Instead of acting all approving and over giving I was authentic and did not communicate an openness to this powerful person with lots of money and desire. I was confident and unafraid. We spoke for a short time outside. I let him pass through y life without getting what he wanted, my company. I am sorry he doesn’t deserve my trust. This time I was not the chameleon that changed according to anothers’ wishes. I was myself without apology.
I am so very grateful to have experienced Matrix Energetics.
Good night from the new being I am,
October 16th, 2014
Ralph is the real thing. He’s himself. He’s knows everything about the body, everything. Besides that he’s funny, easy to connect with, and consistently right on. He waves his hands in front of you, either in person or by phone, and while you’re laughing at the craziness of it all, you heal. Would I give Ralph 5 stars for consistently outstanding work? I did! Suzy
September 22nd, 2014
Ralph Havens was recommended to be by my orthopedic surgeon. I have been in two serious car accidents, rear-ended by people going 55-60 mph while my car was stopped. Needless to say it has impacted my life. I first one happened 30 years ago and the last one 4 years ago. I already had neck and back issues from the first one but the second one made everything worse. I now also had hip pain, foot and knee pains but mostly I was a nervous wreck. It’s amazing the support you get when you break a bone but muscular and nervous system injuries are considered minor but cause the most havoc.
To be honest, thought my surgeon was crazy, I was looking for Physical Therapy not “waves” across the phone line. I shared my thoughts openly with Ralph. He spend some time explaining what he did. He was honest. He gave me time to absorb. He didn’t push. Even though I consider myself spiritual, I think the human part of me always doubt what I cannot see. I cannot see what Ralph does. I feel it. It’s changing my life every day.
In today’s world where things are not in balance, I feel Ralph greatest gift, he assists you to find your personal balance. As stated, I was in emotional chaos. Let me also share that for the last three years. I have gone to massage, acupuncture, chiropractors, orthopedic surgeons, holistic doctors. counselors; I made progress but it was slow and lacking. In two sessions with Ralph, I have gone further than the last three years. For the first time, I recognize myself. I know now, how far the pain in my life moved me away from me. Now, I feel calm, strong, accept of things I cannot control, recognize my behavior patterns and am in a place to change them. It’s a start or maybe continuation to my life journey that I started a long time ago.
I now recognize that in order to physical heal I must be in a solid mental place. The clarity I have now directs me to actions that are good for my physical health. Would I recommend Ralph, Gosh yes!!!! Didn’t think anybody 1000 of miles away, on a phone line or skyping could possibly help me. But he has. He’s checked up on me between sessions, makes me feel like I belong to greater family than I one I currently belong to. Hasn’t told me to try this medication or this herb, he just reminded me of my true potential and how to capture it. Like the commercial says, Priceless. Try him and I guess in a way join our new universal family.
August 4th, 2014
Ralph Havens is the most gifted and effective physical therapist I have met in the 20 years since I became Certified Massage Therapist working the holistic healing arts. I’ve known a number of physical therapists and Ralph’s skill level exceeds every other practitioner I’ve ever met.
If you have a physical problem and you would like to see a positive shift, then I would highly recommend Ralph. Ralph’s artful weaving traditional physical therapy with Integrative Manual Therapy and Matrix Energetics which creates unparalleled results.
I met Ralph in 2011 after a serious auto accident. I had been working with other practitioners for 8 months after the accident without significant change.
Three sessions with Ralph created more a change than 26 previous sessions with 2 other physical therapists.
Ralph’s work helped me walk normally again after eight months of a dragging right side impaired my ability to walk.
His work helped to resolve lingering effects of a traumatic brain injury in a multitude of ways.
I continue to work with Ralph over the last three years. He helped resolve a 10 year problem involving my right shoulder. It had been damaged by the effects of multiple auto accidents and radiation therapy, and his work caused dramatic shifts in decreased pain, increased range of motion and ease of movement.
I continue to refer friends and family members to Ralph because of the deep and long-lasting results that his work facilitates.
Ralph worked with my father to help resolve a two-year bout of chronic muscle pain and decreased flexibility. Three sessions with Ralph resulted in my father being pain free for the last 18 months.
Most recently Ralph supported my mother during a recent surgery and her recovery was miraculous. A surgery that normally required the week of prescription pain medication, had minimal pain only lasting for a day.
One of the amazing things about Ralph’s work is that it is equally effective in person at a distance. So no matter where you are if you are reading these words Ralph’s help is available to you.
Old-school physical therapy involves many hours of often painful work on the part of patients to receive minimal effects.
Ralph’s blending of the quantum field work of Matrix Energetics and Integrative Manual Therapy elevates the potential of recovery from a multitude of physical challenges. If you are having physical challenges and you want to improve the quality of your life talk to Ralph and open the door to change. Ralph is truly one of the most gifted healers I have ever met in my life. He works with great integrity and deep passion to bring about miraculous change.
Jeffrey Thomas Najarian, Certified Massage Therapist
April 11th, 2014
Hello Ralph
My life is changing so fast it is hard to put in words , I’m amazing with your work and just want to
say thank you very much to make a difference in my life : )
Please keep sharing your work with me I love it !
Happy day : ))
April 13th, 2014
“Matrix Energetics let’s me know, that I know, that I know, that I know! I love me!”
March 3rd, 2014
DEFINITION OF GRACE: Matrix Energetics with Ralph Havens
By minerva
Meeting Ralph Havens was the definition of grace, as is Matrix Energetics.
When I met Ralph I had pain in my body. The pain I refer to had been in my body all my life in one form or another, making for a miserable quality of life. I couldn’t walk for 10 years due to back pain, however the true problem was in my neck. I had subsequent surgery and spent another five years in recovery. Felt like I’d be in physical therapy for the rest of my life. Then, by grace, I met Ralph and began healing using Matrix Energetics and some of the other expertise Ralph has.
Good things indeed happen every Thursday after our distance session goes to Done. There is always a message that seems custom-made for me. One day, Ralph referred to me as a successful writer. When I read it I shook. Ralph saw what was true and I didn’t, and I wasn’t accepting it as my fate, but it is! There’s ANOTHER example of grace. The truth of things unseen. Faith. The examples, the stories, the answers are all over the place if we notice! I plan to continue working with Ralph no matter what.
This is what I noticed today.
August 30th, 2012
Matrix, Matrix Matrix Energetics!!!!! What IS it? I don’t KNOW!
What I DO know is that my life, my body, my mind, my soul and my spirit are totally different since first being introduced to this magical mystery tour a few years ago by Ralph Havens, P.T.
I laugh more, I experience life MORE, I notice things……ALL kinds of things with more interest and joy and intensity. Everyday things, like cutting a cucumber, can be magical. Have you ever REALLY looked at a cucumber and totally gotten into the experience of cutting one and then tasting it? Can you imagine doing it for the very first time and being TOTALLY and absolutely engrossed in the process………AND having total, knock your socks off JOY in doing it? Well, I CAN and I think that magical, miraculous Matrix Energetics has something to do with that, yes I do!
So that’s the “small” stuff. I also have had major shifts in my health. Prior to seeing Ralph and starting on Matrix Energetics, I was on disability due to back, shoulder and elbow issues as well as multiple chemical sensitivities, chronic fatigue and depression. NOT FUN!
Typically now I’m energetic, happy, and nearly free of pain.
When I get in the flow of Matrix Energetics, miracles happen. I make connections with people in amazing synchronistic ways …….to the benefit of all of us. Things I need show up in very interesting and amazing ways. etc etc.
I’m an artist and my paintings have taken on a new life. I’m doing “energy” paintings. I just paint and see what shows up when in the presence of the people I’m doing the painting for. It’s as much of a surprise to me as to them. Beautiful paintings are the result. FUN!
Thank you Ralph, Jen and Ben for playing the Matrix game with me!
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
‘Art from the Heart’
September 4th, 2012
Thank You Ralph & Mission Hills Physical Therapy
I forgot to email you to let you know the results of what you did with me an how it helped my 6 year old son who had Autism. I met you at the grand opening for the PB Holistic center owned by Sammy. After your group session I approached you and told you that my son was having a lot of tantrums in school and he was on a streak of earning red cards everyday. After you did what you did the very next week he had a straight week of green cards. I didn’t want to say anything because I wanted to make sure his streak would continue. Since that time he has had a few rough days once in a while, but for the most part he earns green cards and doesn’t have as many tantrums. The only difference I have seen is when he is with Dad. It seems his tantrums are worse with Dad. We have been divorced since he was 1 so he’s been sharing his time in both homes since then. I’m not sure what to make of that observation, but I think you have helped. Thank you for doing what you did for us!
From Jessica Cook:
Ralph, I am on the newsletter list and every Thursday around 3pm things change; yesterday things shifted. Then I go to my email and see your newsletter in my inbox! BOOM! Matrix! Thank you!
Jessica Cook
Hi Ralph,
thank you so much for all you’ve shared with us, and for the amazing changes we’ve seen in John.
I live with far less pain, better agility and endurance than I’ve had in years!
People respond better because my face isn’t contorted in pain, I am more approachable and loving life far more.
What’s different is that I’ve learned to look for good things, which is what we should have been taught to do early in life.
This stuff is beyond amazing.
My eternal gratitude for all you’ve done!
Sid, San Diego
Here you go……..my “What’s Different” as of now:
I visited Ralph’s Intro Group not knowing what to expect. “Notice what’s different” he would say… during the group gathering, I made a casual Wants & Needs List only to find that a short week and a half later, ‘noticing what was different’ was that I had given up coffee (after casually thinking how it’d be nice to be off coffee) and I had a new romantic relationship in my life ‘out of the blue’ … perfect for me in every way. I’m still blown away by how easy it was, how effortless it was…. and Ralph’s easy going nature compliments his Matrixing stye in every way, making the Play part of it so much fun! Thank you Ralph!!
~Anne H., San Diego
Whoa major shifts… Interstellar travels and plate tectonic movement! Shake it loose baby:) Things are opening and changing relative to people wanting to come see me at my studio. A saying from Rumi came to me for my business card. “There”s a field, I”ll meet you there.” What I put on the clipboard is manifesting instantly. Exciting, yet a bit of overwhelm. It”s just energy moving and it”s up to me how I perceive it. Thank you so much Ralph!
Ralph likes to ask “What’s different?” A better question for me would be: What’s NOT different? So much has changed, I feel like I can’t write it all down, and some of it wouldn’t even be able to put into words. I’ve experienced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes since I started working with Ralph ~ all for the better, although not all easy ~ and I’ve been led to even more resources and avenues for change in that time. I’ve found guidance in a direction that I didn’t even know I needed to go, and I’ve started on another path in life that was and still is, totally unexpected (and a bit scary, but also exciting and joyful). I can’t thank Ralph and Jen enough for helping me grow as a person and spiritual being.
My life has changed beyond all recognition since meeting Ralph and joining his Atomic group. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done. Every area of my life has improved, my financial situation has increased by double, my mental and emotional health have never been better and improve daily, i have zero anxiety, the amount of opportunities I receive in all areas of life now, is mind blowing, I just have to think it and it comes true. Tapping into this energy every day is magical and means I can manifest anything i want. Wow thanks Ralph.
Andy Carr
I would give Ralph Havens 10 stars if there was an option.
I suffered great deal of joint aches for years after a couple of injuries. I was getting worse and became very depressed and anxious, very. After seeing 9 other therapists, for over two years, great therapists, but the help was minimal, I contacted Ralph. Ralph was my colleague and became my therapist. After the second visit my entire anxiety just evaporated. It was so amazing, like magic -and felt sooo good. After my third session, my forever limited lower back motion improved so significantly, again, like magic. I was able to sit again without pain and that was huge for me. Ralph ,with his amazing endless knowledge identified the culprit to my problems, treated me and gave me a life changing advise. He also gave me an awesome tool to use on my own to support his work. I am so much better in every aspect of my life. I’m not depressed anymore and resumed all my life activities. Ralph is one of a kind therapist! He is very knowledgeable, talented and so so resourceful. I Don’t know anyone in the field that has his unique and diverse abilities and I know a lot of therapists. Thank you Ralph for giving me my life back.
Iris PT, DPT
I have always been an uptight person, meaning that my muscles were always contracted and tensed up. After several sessions with Ralph, my muscles have relaxed. As a result, here are several things that have been affected.
MY POSTURE I have been trying to improve my posture for many years, but really never made any head way. Now I stand up and sit up straight and my shoulders are back where they should be. Now I hold my head up high. It feels great.
RANGE OF MOTION My neck muscles have been hard and achy for over 45 years. In addition I had neck surgery a few years ago, and my neck has been pretty stiff with limited range of motion. My neck no longer aches from the tension and I can turn my head from side to side much further than I have been able to do for years.
IMPROVED SLEEPING I am now able to sleep on my back without a pillow because it is comfortable to so. I had been snoring so loudly that my wife would not be able to get to sleep and many times it would wake me up as well. I also used to stop breathing periodically, which was worrisome for my wife. I am happy to say that my wife has not noticed my breathing being interrupted and my snoring is soft and no longer disruptive.
JAW CHANGES I have had trouble with my jaw popping when chewing and grinding my teeth when sleeping. My jaw has found a new relaxed location. I no longer grind or clench my teeth in my sleep and my jaw rarely pops when I am chewing.
Walking I am 64 and was beginning to walk like an old man. I was hunched over and walked very stiffly. Now I feel like I walk upright and fluidly.
SHORTNESS OF BREATH I was noticing that I was huffing and puffing just walking from my barn to my house. That is all gone and I am no longer short of breath.
I am anxious to see what other changes I notice in the future.
Thanks Ralph for the major tune-up. I am ready for the next 30 years.
Thomas Toussant
This is a safe place to focus on healing whatever needs to be healed, what you wonna focus on, when something’s got you stuck or brings anxiety,… in an unexplainable lovely energetical way by focusing on the feeling whenever our mind distracts us with whatever need-less noise there is. Glad I have stumbled on this & haven’t left since…
Pam DeBondt
Ralph and his group of master healers have healed me from a chronic physical condition to very old frozen memories that where causing havoc in my life.
Healed abunance blocks, negative beliefs, what Ralph can do really is beyond limits.
Inga Combs
Ralph & Jen Havens
Ralph Havens Physical Therapy, Bellingham, WA