Massage Therapy Recommendations from Ralph Havens Physical Therapy

Massage Therapy Recommendations from Ralph Havens Physical Therapy

Jen T. Energy Jen Toussant, HHP A licensed and certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Jen Toussant is Ralph Havens Physical Therapy’s recommended massage therapist. Having trained for over 1100 hours at Mueller College of Holistic Studies, and with extensive...

Matrix Energetics – The Science and Art of Transformation – Advanced Integrative Manual Therapist Kim Burnham, MT, PhD at MHPT

Hi all We are fortunate to be able to bring in to our clinic Kim Burnham, MT, PhD, advanced practitioner in Integrative Manual Therapy © and Matrix Energetics. She has advanced skills in Integrative Manual Therapy with neurodegenerative disorders and vision therapy...

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries – Primary Problem Spot and Treatment

by: Danielle Emhof, MPT Motor vehicle accidents are a very common reason for referral to physical therapy.  More often than not, patients complain of neck pain. In my early years as a PT, I would of course go directly to the area of pain for treatment. This often...

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