by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | May 25, 2009 | auto-immune disorders, Auto-Immune Problems, autoimmune, chronic pain, CRPS, Detox Diets, Detoxification, dr. thomas O'Bryan, fibromyalgia, gluten free, gluten sensitivity, headaches, Health, Health and Wellness, inflammation, Integrative Manual Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy, Joint Pain, knee pain, neck pain, NSADs, Nutrition and Diets, Organic Living, osteoporosis, physical therapist, Physical Therapy, shoulder pain, Supplements, Vertigo
Hi everyone, There is so much data now on why Nutrasweet (aspartame) is to be avoided, it’s amazing it is still on the market. I found a blog of someone with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia who is going to get off Nutrasweet and see what changes she notices. I...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Oct 19, 2008 | chronic pain, Detox Diets, Detoxification, fibromyalgia, Health, Health and Wellness, Integrative Manual Therapy, Nutrition and Diets, Physical Therapy, running
hi everyone! our next newsletter is going to be on Gluten sensitivity – an emerging epidemic – how to test for it and why it’s important to know if your symptoms are caused by gluten. I am compiling the science and clinical findings as well as the...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Oct 15, 2008 | Auto-Immune Problems, autoimmune, back pain, celiac disease, chronic pain, Detox Diets, Detoxification, dr. thomas O'Bryan, fibromyalgia, gluten free, gluten sensitivity, headaches, Health, Health and Wellness, inflammation, Integrative Manual Therapy, Integrative Manual Therapy, Nutrition and Diets, Organic Living, physical therapist, Physical Therapy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, running, Supplements
Hi everyone, we will be doing a community evening at the end of this month to show you all how to test your own food and supplements for yourselves. You can learn how to tell whether or not your body is able to process and eliminate foods and supplements and whether...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Aug 3, 2008 | back pain, chronic pain, Consciousness & Manifestation, Detox Diets, Detoxification, fibromyalgia, Health, Health and Wellness, Integrative Manual Therapy, meditation, Nutrition and Diets, Physical Therapy, running
Have you all noticed that lately the world is changing at an even faster rate than even a few years ago? Also, doesn’t it seem that more so than in the past, there is both a lot of good but also a lot of bad in the world. It is not always wise to label things as...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | May 9, 2008 | Detox Diets, Detoxification, Health, Health and Wellness, Nutrition and Diets, Organic Living
Veggies and Fruits that are Highest in Pesticides ***BUY THESE ORGANIC*** Apples Bell Peppers Celery Cherries Grapes (imported) Nectarines Peaches Pears Potatoes Red Raspberries Spinach Strawberries Fruits and Veggies that are Lowest in Pesticides. If organic...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | May 5, 2008 | chronic pain, Detox Diets, Detoxification, fibromyalgia, Health, Health and Wellness, Nutrition and Diets
The following suggestions will help you keep your body less toxic: Notes on Plastic Heating foods in plastic releases harmful chemicals. You should never heat food in plastic…use glass or ceramic instead. Skin Brushing To aid in lymphatic drainage, use a dry, natural...
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