Why Nutrasweet (aspartame) is to be avoided at all costs

Hi everyone,  There is so much data now on why Nutrasweet (aspartame) is to be avoided, it’s amazing it is still on the market.  I found a blog of someone with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia who is going to get off Nutrasweet and see what changes she notices.  I...

Matrix Energetics – The Science and Art of Transformation – Advanced Integrative Manual Therapist Kim Burnham, MT, PhD at MHPT

Hi all We are fortunate to be able to bring in to our clinic Kim Burnham, MT, PhD, advanced practitioner in Integrative Manual Therapy © and Matrix Energetics. She has advanced skills in Integrative Manual Therapy with neurodegenerative disorders and vision therapy...

community evening: testing your food and supplements yourself

Hi everyone, we will be doing a community evening at the end of this month to show you all how to test your own food and supplements for yourselves. You can learn how to tell whether or not your body is able to process and eliminate foods and supplements and whether...
The pelvis is connected to everything!

The pelvis is connected to everything!

As a PT I have been finding more and more that almost every patient I treat has some dysfunction in his or her pelvis. Whether the symptom is headaches, back pain, or shoulder pain, I always look at the pelvis and more often than not find that the pelvis is out of...

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