Possible Thoughts on Time and Synchronicity

Maybe time does actually move backwards as some say.  As in, I already am who I will be.  I started by knowing that, being that.  Not as a baby, but as what we would label “the end” or “final product.” And then I wrote the story backwards, making it as interesting as possible.  As if writing a book for myself, knowing where it is headed, starting with the last scene, constructing it backwards from there in ways more and more abstract, more and more interesting, so that one day while time was moving forward, I would wake up and take a look and be unable to deny how magical and perfect it’s all been.  And that day I would let go and know beyond knowing and trust in my deepest core that the rest will be even more magical and wonderful and perfectly laid out, because it already has been.  It’s already been done.  It’s already done.  I can relax and pay attention to how interesting I made the story, with full knowledge that it is going where it is.  There is no missing the mark, there is only enjoying everything that elapsed and came together to create being the mark.  Time moved backwards so it could simply experience and enjoy moving forwards again.

Jen Toussant, HHP

reading list:

Jed Mckenna

Robert Scheinfeld

Richard Bartlett



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