Beyond Limits Physical Therapy
What Is Beyond Limits Physical Therapy? Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy Bellingham, WA
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy is a way of thinking about healing and the world in a holistic way. Instead of staying fixed to one way of thinking or one method, Beyond Limits Physical Therapy draws on many healing disciplines and methods.
Ancient healing methods such as Qigong and Yoga and acupuncture systems as well as more modern methods, like traditional physical therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy and even medical model approaches.
Also more esoteric methods such as Feldenkrias, Rolfing and Energetic approaches such as Matrix Energeticsᵀᴹ.
We use the word, Integrative Physical Therapy, because we look at all forms of healing, using what is useful and helping each client with a personalized approach.
You might be thinking, “how can you integrate so many methods?”
The key with this way of healing is our myofascial mapping assessment.
With mapping we can scan the body and find the primary root causes, looking at physical root causes and even mental and emotional root causes. This is not talk therapy, but there is a way to see where these non-physical energies are lodged in the body and affecting someone.
From there, we can see what system would best help someone clear or heal from the root causes and allow their body to heal naturally.
So with any diagnosis such as chronic pain, chronic fatigue, reflex sympathetic dystrophy or complex regional pain syndrome or even seemingly simple running and sport injuries or long-standing autoimmune conditions,
We look at each person individually, because with any condition, one person may have one root cause, while another person with the same diagnosis, may have a different root cause.
So the key is the mapping and to find out what the root cause is of your condition.
Your body is doing the best it can do and when we see a pain or problem, what we see is your body protecting you from something. The root causes.
Finding and clearing these root causes, your body heals from what you came in to heal and many times also heals from seemingly unrelated conditions.
This is how I healed from what I thought was a running injury, a calf spasm that would not heal despite resting and traditional physical therapy treatments for 8 months.
My body had been protecting my heart and the arteries around the heart. Not a medical issue at the time, but my body in its wisdom was spasming leg muscles because of this.
Healing that, solving that and my calf spasm cleared immediately and I was able to run again.
Doing these treatments, my anxiety also cleared and that crazy and strange sweaty hands problem I had for all of my life to that point, also healed.
I no longer had anxiety!
And amazingly enough, my teeth healed and what had been a lifelong history of seeing a dentist for cavities every 6 months healed and I no longer had cavities showing up on my dental visits.
This was a series of treatments I had as I learned this way of healing taking 115 classes to date in this method. Each step of the way I had healing changes and over time I got my health and life back.
My hope is this message reaches those looking for real answers.
When doctors don’t have answers, that’s when we go to work.
Reach out if you’d like me to take a look and do a myofascial mapping scan for you. I can let you know what I see at the root cause of your conditions and how you can heal.
You can get your health and your life back.
My direct email is and my phone number is 360-599-2217
To your health and healing,
Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Bellingham, WA & Worldwide via zoom