Autoimmune Answers

Autoimmune Answers – An Integrative Physical Therapy Approach to Healing

What does Integrative Physical Therapy have that could possible help someone with a medical condition such as Autoimmune disease?

There is a key point here. With Integrative Physical Therapy also called Integrative Manual Therapyᵀᴹ we don’t try to fix or cure someone of a disease or condition.


So how can healing happen?

When we think of an autoimmune disorder such as Rheumatoid Arthritis or Sojern’s disease, or Diabetes or even Coronary Artery Disease we don’t try and get rid of a diagnosis. The medical doctors can do the medical tests and determine what type of autoimmune or chronic disease someone has. That’s the diagnosis, the label.

The thing is when you google these autoimmune and chronic health challenges most time the cause is listed as idiopathic, meaning cause Unknown!

And the treatment is listed as medications or other interventions, sometimes surgeries to decrease or control symptoms. But controlling the symptoms is not healing in our opinion. It’s just trying to “live with” the problem.

No one in the medical system uses the word Cure because they don’t have an answer.

So with Integrative Physical Therapy (integrative manual therapyᵀᴹ) I look for the structure of the house. What that means is if someone is dealing with a lung problem I look at the ribcage and spine and spinal cord and pelvis and brainstem area. Is there enough room. Does it have good mobility? Do the joints work well in all directions and have space to move. Is there good blood flow into and out of the areas.

When I check ranges of motions in the neck, shoulders, back and hips does everything move well?

Most times when someone is dealing with an autoimmune system problem they don’t move well. There are many issues with the “house”. With Integrative Physical Therapy we restore mobility and space in the joints, tendons, muscles, connective tissues and improve function and structure in the artery and vein and lymph system.

When this happens people feel better, and they start to heal naturally. The body’s natural way of being is to heal and self-regulate. When it’s not doing this we look at the root cause and restore the health of the area.

It’s how we’ve seen people come in with a diagnosis of some sort of medical condition, such as autoimmune disorders and with consistent treatment heal. Truly heal. It may be incredulous to the medical doctors. But when doctors have no answers we go to work.

You can heal. It’s a bold statement. I know it is true because of my own life and my family’s healing and the 39 years of doing this healing work.

You can heal and get your life back and live how you want to live and do what you want to do in this wonderful world.

If you’d like me to take a look and do a myofascial mapping for you and let you know what I see that’s in the way of your healing…the root causes and how to correct them send me a message.

Here’s my direct email
And my direct scheduling link:

We’ll meet either over zoom or in person here at Beyond Limits Physical Therapy in Bellingham, WA and we can get you your plan to healing and health.

To your healing and health,
Ralph Havens PT IMTC

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