I was laughing, my client was laughing . . . then twisting in what looked like some kind of pain, then laughing again . . . lying on the floor then up again and doing a qigong move I still can’t do . . .
But she didn’t “do” qigong.  And there she was laughing and going thru these gyrations in my office. . .
8 & 1/2 years ago, I had just taken my first Matrix Energetics classes.  3 classes back to back . . .
And I  was back at my office in San Diego seeing clients.
Years ago I decided to study stuff that made no sense to my logical brain.  I had come from a very scientific mindset.  I was an orthopedic physical therapist.
I had to use stuff that was “proven” or so I thought it was “proven”. . .
But I was lucky enough to have friends, teachers, other therapists who were getting spectacular results that I wasn’t getting. . . .
And they were using techniques and methods that just seemed weird. . .
But there they were getting big results.  So I decided way back around 1988 to study them.   I didn’t know why they were working but they were.
Since then my criteria for whether or not I use or study a method is the results.  I have to see a change.  It has to make a difference.
The “why it works” or the “science about it” can catch up . . . or not later .  .
But I have to test it for myself… and with my clients.
Recently I took Matrix Energetics class again in Seattle.  I’ve taken somewhere around 35 Matrix classes since 2009…
And a few different methods all came together in the most amazing way for me.  I was lucky enough to be next to a guy who had studied some really interesting methods and I was also next to my friend who had told me about another healer, coach who had a method that just looked too simple . . .
so there I was for a few days using all of it.
When I got back home . . . life was another layer of different for me and my family . . .
My wife, Jen, said, “what have you been doing!!!?”
Things had already been going well.  Steadily improving in many ways for us.  But now it was all on hyper-speed.
This morning as I was setting the space up for your session . . .
each Thursday as part of our tribe, by being on this email list, I do an actual Matrix Energetics & Beyond session for you.
And this morning as I was doing this, I experienced something that I saw and felt that first day back at my office after my first matrix energetics class.
It’s a sign I see when something is Done.
I’d love to hear what you notice that’s different for you today. . .
since having your session this morning.
Go ahead and hit reply and email me and let me know what you’re noticing today and over the weekend.
Have a great Thursday and weekend and I will see you in the matrix next Thursday!


How to solve AutoImmune without drugs from the chair you are now in!

Miracles, Magic, Healing & more . . . sessions

p.s.  I’m doing a special session for our Miracles, Magic, Healing & More . . . group January 7th.  This is gonna be a 1 hour group online session with a video you can keep.
If you want in on that there’s a way to do this here.  Miracles Sessions LINK,
p.s.s. and if you want a copy of my book, Enlighten Up & Get What You Want, I’m offering it as a FREE + shipping book here.  There’s even a box to check if you want the Miracles Sessions at a special rate.  Here’s the LINK.



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