Runner’s Knee Pain?… Ankle Sprains?
Common Root Cause can be Bone Bruises….

Integrative Physical Therapy Solutions

Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy
Bellingham, WA and online worldwide

Chronic knee pain?… Ankle pain?… Runner’s knee?… Integrative Physical Therapy a solution to Bone Bruises, which can be the root cause of knee and ankle pain that persists, despite great physical therapy, chiropractic, rest, exercises, ice, or orthotics….

I see so many runners and former runners as well as people who no longer hike or workout because of persistent chronic knee pain or ankle pain.

Some had “successful” knee surgeries and the doctors have no answers as to why the pain and inability to run or hike persists….

Others had ankle sprains or knee sprains years ago yet despite great treatments still have pain and limitation in what they can do.

One of the root causes we see in many of these cases is something called Bone Bruises.

Back in the year 2000 I first heard of bone bruising from our teacher, the late Sharon Giammatteo PT PhD. She was telling us how her and her colleagues were finding what she described as bone fractures. She could feel it with her hands when she palpated clients’ knees and ankles and other bones.

Her colleagues told her “you can’t tell people you’re healing bone fractures!”

So she said, “fine! We’ll call them bone bruising”…

And when they did a PuB Med search they found a few hundred scientific papers talking about Bone Bruises. With the newer higher powered MRI’s they were finding these small fracture type bone bruises.

The medical system had no answer or solution besides rest and immobilizing the knee or ankle… and waiting weeks or more to try and let the body heal it.

Sharon taught me a technique we call Bone Bruise Technique where we can put our hands on a bone bruise and do a series of light touch manual therapy and see the client’s pain clear and their knee and ankle pain clear. And we’ve seen people get back to running and hiking once we “fix up” these bone bruises.

If you have a persistent knee or ankle pain and doctors have no answers you may have bone bruising.

And if you’d like me to take a look either in person here in Bellingham, WA or online via zoom I can do what we call a myofascial mapping and see where your root causes are and if you have a bone bruise.

And help you clear it and get your health and life back. Runners, hikers, fitness people… if you want my help here’s my direct phone number and email.

Message me and we’ll get a time for your free consult and get your plan to heal so you can do what you want to do in life.

To your healing and health,

Ralph Havens PT IMTC



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