Get out the Vote! ( in more ways than one…)

Get Out the Vote! (In more ways than one…) The upcoming election has me thinking… Every country is in some way an experimental pairing of a political system and an economic system. In simple terms the US links a representative democracy (our political system) with a...

Shift in Consciousness – what to do!

Have you all noticed that lately the world is changing at an even faster rate than even a few years ago? Also, doesn’t it seem that more so than in the past, there is both a lot of good but also a lot of bad in the world. It is not always wise to label things as...

Common Causes of Knee Pain ? and an Integrative Manual Therapy viewpoint on Knee Pain.

With a diagnosis of knee pain there are many things to consider. I?m going to go over some of the more basic things first and expand from there to a more detailed and whole-body assessment in looking at the knee. One of the basic ideas in physical therapy in general...

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