When someone asks me what I want for my child, BenJamin I don’t tend to give the answer most people give. I find the things like a good career, a successful life in the usual ways people think of success in terms of money, status, job, family are not necessarily what I want for my son. While it will be cool to see what direction he takes in life, my main thing is, I would love to see him happy. Very simply I am pleased when I see him happy. What ever course his life may take, that is my wish for him.
I ran across this post about what happy people do differently compared to unhappy people. All of it rings true to me. I’ve found when I do an exercise Frederick Dodson calls The Dive, I find that what I really want is happiness. There may be layers beyond that but that’s a pretty big one. Fred has some great ways to clear out the clutter to access bliss and then to create realities and play with the infinite. You can access his site here
Here’s the post that got me writing today.
If you have matrix energetics in what you are, then I would recommend dropping into the matrix energetics state and accessing the points they talk about in this article. And if you don’t have matrix energetics in your awareness yet, let me know and I can point you in ways to get that. We do sessions that drop you into the matrix energetics state which is a great way to experience the state and transformation and taking a class from Richard Bartlett, DC, ND is an awesome way to learn it.
And here’s Fred’s site:
Reality Creation Course and Bliss courses ~ audio downloads for immediate access ~ Click below for the Audio Downloads mp3 for immediate access
Click here to visit Reality Creation Coaching.
Reality Creation Course and Bliss courses ~ audio downloads for immediate access ~ Click below for the Audio Downloads mp3 for immediate access
Click here to visit Reality Creation Coaching.
Reality Creation Course and Bliss courses ~ audio downloads for immediate access ~ Click below for the Audio Downloads mp3 for immediate accessClick here to visit Reality Creation Coaching.Reality Creation Course and Bliss courses ~ audio downloads for immediate access ~ Click below for the Audio Downloads mp3 for immediate accessClick here to visit Reality Creation Coaching.
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