Un-Ease… Dis-Ease…

Nagging pains…hips, knees, shoulders, back, neck….

Not being able to do what you want to do… walking, hiking, running, tennis…?

When you don’t feel good in your body… stuff can irritate you… life problems, spouses, kids, work can get to you…

Sure you can just deal with it… not do some stuff you used to do for fun… hiking, running, tennis, swimming…

the thing is life is just not as much fun, when you don’t feel good in your body…

The thing is most people just think they’re “getting old”….

I feel blessed to have found our version of healing. IMT (integrative manual therapy) Integrative Physical Therapy…

My body feels better than when I was a kid and I get to run and use my body and feel good.

The key to your healing is to find out what your body is protecting you from.

There’s a reason your body is feeling stiff or tired or aching….

It’s how I healed from a long-standing running injury over 20 years ago and started on this IMT approach….

I just took another class this past weekend on healing kidneys….

It’s what I use with my clients and my family to keep us healthy and happy….

I have a success story here from a client who came to me years ago with chronic knee pain. She couldn’t walk for exercise and she just wasn’t able to do her life the way she wanted to…

The knee pain cleared and other miracles showed up in her life….

Here’s the short video.

The key for your healing is finding what your body is protecting you from and healing that.

You can heal… you can get your health and life back…

If you’d like my help to do this, email me, hit reply and we can schedule your Healing Breakthrough Session. I can let you know what I see that’s at the root cause, so you can heal and live your life the way you want to live…

Message me here:

Healing Breakthrough Session with Ralph Havens PT IMTC

let’s get out there and live…really live…



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