When people come to me for help healing, usually they have some sort of pain or health challenge that’s getting in the way of doing what they want to do in life…. Some would call this Life Purpose.

One question I like to ask first is, What Do You Want?….
And what would that do for you having that?

And once you have that…

What would you do?
As surprising as it may sound, many people don’t have a definite chief aim in life. Many times it’s vague and I get it, because life can be hard and just getting through the day is what many people are trying to do.

There are specific things to do to heal and get your health back. It’s individual of course and with sessions, I can help you find the root causes of what’s in the way of your healing.

Because once we find and clear that, you can heal and you can start to do more of what you are here to do in this wonderful world.

For those people who want to be of service to others, to help people, one of the next things is to be interested in what other people want and what problems they are facing. Because I feel we’re here to heal ourselves and heal our world.

Whether that’s in your job or business or in your family and community, having a purpose, your life purpose can be key to healing because as we get our health back, this seems to be the next step… and this can be a motivation to keep you doing the processes to heal.

What are you here to do?
What is your purpose?
Why are you here?
Who can you help?

If you’re looking to get your health back, so you can live your life the way you want to live,
but you are not fully getting there on your own,, reach out to me. Send me an email here and we can set aside some time and I can let you know what I see that’s in your way and how to help you heal.

Here’s my direct email ralph@RalphHavens.com and phone 360-599-2217

Let’s get our there and Live! Really Live!

To your health and healing,

Ralph Havens PT IMTC



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