What would Thriving Your Life be for You?

What would Thriving Your Life be for You?

Ok . . .
Wow . . .
I just got back from Matrix Energetics class in Seattle. . . Amazing . . .
You know when you’re in the field, in the flow, in grace, in spirit . . . what ever you wanna call that . . .
You can drop an intention into the space and literally watch the miracles unfold for you. . .
I talked with a guy who was telling me about what happened a couple weeks or so before he had a session with me.  He had found my YouTube videos . . . and he then had a session.
But before he had the session, something happened.
Why does stuff happen?
When something goes weird, why is that?
You might think you’re coming in to fix a certain problem . . . change something in your life . . . and then something happens . . .
This guy had a friend tell him about a baby who was born 4 months premie, and was in some real trouble . . . And his friend asked him, could  he help?
so something happened.
He Knew it was all gonna work.  He didn’t even have the time or thoughts to wonder what to do or how to do anything.
He showed up.  He saw a big white light and it just came thru him to the baby, then to the dad, then to the mom . . .
And he knew it was gonna be ok. . .
Then my friend showed me the before and after pictures.  The baby was normal . . . fully recovered. . .  doctors were astounded . . . a miracle. . .
 I learned a lot this week in class.  I’ve taken this class many times over the years and so much was familiar.  But something happened.
I sat next to a guy, another guy . . . who had the perfect information for me . . . We played in the field the whole class . . .
I had a good friend from San Diego there and we had so much fun together.
I had an amazing experience at lunch with a woman as we played in the field and did a lunch time session.
I had a surrogate for today’s session, your Beyond Limits session this morning, with a request . . . You can always email me for your change.
And I saw some new stuff.  And more change . . .
What do you truly desire?  I found some new ways to look at that, frame it differently, so that you now set up rule sets that actually work for you. . .
I saw how to use words, your words to literally set up incantations so you can change, change now, change because it’s time to change.
I’m curious to hear from you . . . what you notice.
Email me and let me know what is different for you today and over the next days.  Just hit reply and let me know what you’re noticing change now.
p.s.  If you’d like more ways I’ve been using that work to see real change using Mind, Energy, Spirit . . . Grace . . . Here’s some info about my new Enlighten Up & Get What You Want Book.
I’ve got it here for you FREE.  I’m just asking you to cover the shipping.
You can grab it here.  www.ralphhavens.com/beyondlimitsbooks
See you next Thursday for your Beyond Limits Session!



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