
Ralph Havens

Studying the scientific literature over the years, specifically the health, nutrition, and medical studies one thing becomes clear.  We really don’t know what is going on or why it’s going on.  Some examples come from the world of genetics and epigenetics.  Years ago after the discovery of the DNA helix and genes, scientists proclaimed that DNA was in charge of what our bodies and lives looked like.  The covering of protein around the DNA helix was discarded and thought to have no function!  Now with epigenetics, scientists have found that the protein sleeve plays a huge role in how DNA expresses itself and the lowly cell membrane is actually more important in how DNA expresses itself than the DNA itself.  This field epigenetics is opening our eyes to the potential of how we perceive and interact with our environment and the power we have to control our lives and health through our perceptions and our environment.

Recently in the New York Times I came across a great article of a discovery about Breast Milk and another example of how scientists thought something in nature had no use or value and how now we see it has a huge value.  I printed two paragraphs from the article below:

Breast Milk Sugars Give Infants a Protective Coat  from The New York Times Sunday


Published: August 2, 2010

The complex sugars (in Breast Milk)  were long thought to have no biological significance, even though they constitute up to 21 percent of milk. Besides promoting growth of the bifido strain, they also serve as decoys for noxious bacteria that might attack the infant’s intestines. The sugars are very similar to those found on the surface of human cells, and are constructed in the breast by the same enzymes. Many toxic bacteria and viruses bind to human cells by docking with the surface sugars. But they will bind to the complex sugars in milk instead. “We think mothers have evolved to let this stuff flush through the infant,” Dr. Mills said.

Later in the article:

The proteins in (breast) milk also have special roles. One, called Alpha-lactalbumin, can attack tumor cells and those infected by viruses by restoring their lost ability to commit cell suicide. The protein, which accumulates when an infant is weaned, is also the signal for the breast to remodel itself back to normal state.

Such findings have made the three researchers keenly aware that every component of milk probably has a special role. “It’s all there for a purpose, though we’re still figuring out what that purpose is,” Dr. Mills said. “So for God’s sake, please breast-feed.”

Here’s the link to the story:


My take on this:

Now When I read that a scientist finds “no value” to something found in nature, I see that this scientist is not reading his or her own scientific history.  As scientists and health care practitioner,s we need to be keenly aware that we really don’t know why something is there or  what are all the uses for something.  We need to treat our clients with awe and respect for what their bodies are doing and the innate wisdom of the body and of nature.

This is a reason after studying Physical Therapy and Integrative Manual Therapy, and many other methods for 25 years, I am now using Matrix Energetics as a way to interact with the world, and my clients. With Matrix Energetics we drop into the space of the heart, which quantum physics may have information about and describe as the space called Dark Matter and Dark Energy ( meaning invisible or unseen).   Physicist David Bohm, PhD and others state that in once cubic centimeter of this Dark Matter there is more energy than in the entire Known Universe!

So by having respect for Nature and knowing that we really may not have access to much real knowledge and we may not really know the big picture, I can drop into the space between the spaces; the space between thoughts, the still point and access this Dark Matter, this infinite power and let go of a need to know.  Then by placing intent and letting go, I can see how nature would shift a pattern or a condition for my client.  I can observe with awe and respect Nature and the Universe shift the outcome and the reality for my client.  I can observe the miracle!

I feel this consciousness technology, Matrix Energetics, is the way we can all start to access a deeper knowing and not depend on scientists especially when they tell us that something in nature is not useful or has not purpose.  And instead of using drugs that we see on T.V. that claim to offer help for a condition but then list a laundry list of side effects.  When I see drug ads on T.V. in becomes clear to me that these people making the drugs, promoting them, and using them have no idea what they are doing or what impact they are having.  Nature may have a better idea how to help in these cases. Matrix Energetics can help by accessing the power of the universe, the dark matter, and help bring the power and miracle of nature into the equation.

If you would like to experience or read more about Matrix Energetics or Quantum physics I’ve included some references below.  Please feel free to email me or call us and we can help you get more information.

Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner








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