How to find the best physical therapist in Bellingham, Whatcom and Skagit Counties
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy for chronic pain, running & sports injuries and Autoimmune
There are many options when looking for a physical therapist. And there are many versions of physical therapy so it is important to find the right therapist and the right method so you can heal and get your health and life back.
Whether you are dealing with an acute injury such as recent sprained ankles, knees, low back or neck pain or a recent shoulder sprain or hip pain from a fall or sports injury, it’s important to know what type of therapy is best to help you solve it and get back in action. There’s performance physical therapy and rebound physical therapy and actigve physical therapy but what does it all mean and what’s the best physical therapy choice for you.
Now that I”m in my 40th year as a physical therapist starting out in 1985 as an orthopedic physical therapist, then a functional sports physical therapist and now a structural and integrative physical therapist I’ve found one key that I recommend when searching for the best physical therapist.
We call it Test – ReTest
What that means is your physical therapist regardless of the methods he/she uses should test your motion, strength and pain responses each session and even throughout your session. Because when your physical therapist does their techniques, whether they are exercises or manual therapy or or techniques the should immediately ReTest.
Otherwise no one knows if it helped, hurt or made no difference. If your therapist just sends you out the door till next session, you don’t know if you got better or worse because of the physical therapy techniques or exercises or just by chance or natural healing due to time.
A PT doing this has years of experience by testing and testing over the years. If he/she is not doing this then they have not gained from their experiences and patients.
So the key is are they testing and retesting. Everyone in the room should be able to see if the PT treatment made a difference or not… immediatly.
Next what type of therapy is needed?
Some may need strengthening and stretching of joints and muscles (not my preferred way to look at the body)… more on that in a bit.
Some may need an advanced healing technique that works with the body’s natural healing (my preferred method).
The key with this…
If you can find what it is your body needs, what your body is protecting you from and you can do the right technique for that you can heal quickly and see immediate changes.
That’s our approach. What is your body protecting you from? And what does it need to heal naturally?
This is how I’ve seen longstanding injuries and conditions from
Chronic pains, chronic running & sports injuries and even chronic health challenges such as autoimmune and other unexplained or mysterious conditions.
When doctors or other practitioners don’t have answers, that’s where we can help.
Reach out if you would like me to take a look and see what is at the root cause of your conditions. I can let you know what I see and your path to healing.
Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Bellingham, WA Physical Therapy
1405 Fraser Street, suite F1
Bellingham, WA
Bellingham Physical Therapy
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