Ralph & Jen Havens
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy
Bellingham, WA

How to find the Best Physical Therapist for you.
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy
Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Certified Integrative Manual Therapy
Integrative Physical Therapy

The bottom line…. You want real results.  If you’re looking for the best physical therapist it probably means you or someone you care about is dealing with a pain or injury or condition that is causing dis-ease.  Chronic pain, fatigue, running or sports injuries, even autoimmune or other chronic illnesses can be helped and in many cases healed with high quality physical therapy.

So how do you know if your physical therapist is good or ideally great…. Meaning… able to solve your problem….?

When visiting an integrative physical therapist, you can look at their credentials and training but unless you know how to decipher all the technical talk it can be quite confusing.  And actually thats not the best way to find the physical therapist who can help you.

So heres’ the test.  

Does your physical therapist test, form a hypothesis of the actual cause of your condition in words he/she can explain to you in simple language and then once he or she does a treatment do they re-test immediately afterwards?

If a physical therapist is not testing before and after in a way that anyone could see….

Did the treatment make a difference?…

If there is no retest, then no one knows if the treatment helped.

A physical therapist testing, treating and retesting day in and day out over the years has experience and can form better and better hypothesis’ and get more and more skilled in solving problems.

Bottom line is you should feel better immediately after your sessions.   If you’re the same or worse yet, feeling more pain or limitations, then that’s not quality physical therapy.

Reach out to me if you’ve been dealing with a chronic pain or injury or health challenge like autoimmune because I can do a mapping assessment and let you know what I see that’s at the root cause of your condition and the plan to help you heal. 

You can heal and get your health and life back so you can do what you want to do in this wonderful world.

To your health and healing,

Ralph Havens PT IMTC






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