Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Beyond Limits Physical Therapy
Bellingham, WA


If you’ve been dealing with chronic pain, running or sports injuries or even Autoimmune conditions that doctors don’t have answers for I am glad you found your way here.

My mission is to help people heal. One of our premises is

If it can happen…in can un-happen….

It can appear as magic to watch someone heal from chronic longstanding problems. So let me know what you are dealing with and if you want my guidance reach out to me.

And now…
the next part of our mission is to help you heal, so you can live the life you want to live.

So before I share the keys I’ve found to healing and living the life you want ….

I want to ask you…

What do you want?

And having that what would you be doing and who would you be?….

If you like, take moment to sit in silence and ask yourself these important questions. You can find your guidance and see what it is you want your life to look like.


Here’s the secrets or the big keys I’ve found.

Whether you work for yourself or for someone else or even if you’re a stay at home mom or dad…

The people in your world can feel what you feel and think about them.

If you’re trying to do something in business and life, those around you know on a deep visceral level, how you feel about them.

You know when someone just doesn’t like you… and you know when someone loves you unconditionally.

So the key I’ve found is …

to Love people…truly love them. You can think of it this way.

That person at work or in your family or your potential clients is a real human with a soul with deep desires and fears.

So a key can be to not criticize, complain, judge or blame anyone or anything, even just in your mind. Silently hating someone is just as destructive as lashing out verbally.

And the people in your world can feel this. They have a feeling that’s real when you truly love them and know they are spirit and have a soul.

So you might want to see how you can truly love them in your heart.

The 2nd part is to seek to understand them and their problems fully. When people know you understand them, they know you can help them.

And the 3rd part is to help them. Help them get what they want. Solve their problems.

Ok! Have fun with it. There is a playfulness that can happen when we do this.

Reach out to me if you need help healing from chronic illnesses, pains and injury, because that’s what I do. And let me know what you want in life and what you would be doing having that.

Here’s my email ralph@RalphHavens.com and phone 360-599-2217

I’m serious, I really want to know what it is that would make all the difference in your world.

And let me know if you want more guidance for your healing and getting the life you want.

To your health and healing,
Ralph Havens PT IMTC



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