I’ll be writing up the components of optimal running biomechanics in the next few blogs and telling you how you can download the information into your own running and see immediate results.  This post is to get you thinking about the difference between local fast runners and world class distance runners.  When you start to ask certain questions, you start to see that most of our assumptions about what it takes to run fast or injury free are not correct and there may be a better way.

Here’s the teaser:

Why is it that most runners’ legs turnover at 90 to 95 cycles / minute; both the local fast guys running 15 minute 5K’s and the Olympians and World Record Holders running sub 13:00 minute 5K’s.  What’s going on here? If it’s about stride length; if that’s the difference, then why are the world class runners usually in the 5″4 to 5’8 range ? What is tensegrity? Why should bones bend? What is the wind up effect?  What does a negative vacuum in the lungs have to do with anything?  some basics are in the link below,  but I’ll let you know how I can get you more of this information at a later date and how to download it for your own running.  Below is  some info I wrote up 15 years ago and I’ll give you the latest coming up.


more to come from the book by Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC ; certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner

Run For Free – How to Download the Components of Running Biomechanics for immediate results



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