𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬…𝐔𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐑𝐮𝐧?
My boy asked me today how this therapy business worked. We had a great conversation about healing, business and helping runners get back to running.
This is best shown with a short story.
I recently helped 2 runners, young student athletes. Both had lost an entire Track Season. One with a chronic hip injury who couldn’t even run one minute because of severe hip pain…
The other with a knee injury who also could not run. He still went to practice and walked…. Pretty frustrating for a young runner who just wants to compete and be with his friends.
They had both been seeing a very good physical therapist. They both had been doing a lot of specific physical therapy exercises to strengthen the hips and knee…
And… they both couldn’t run… and it was not helping them heal or get back to the track.
I saw each of them 2 times and evaluated what was at the root cause. I found it. For both of them it was in the pelvis (not the actual hip joint but the pelvis).
I’ve seen this pattern many times so when I recognized it I gave them very specific things to change in their lifestyle and specific treatments to correct the problem.
They both got up off the treatment table smiling because the hip and knee felt better, they felt looser and moved much better.
And when I saw them the next week the athlete who had the hip injury was pain-free and starting to run again.
The runner who had the knee pain reported being able to run with significantly less pain and improving. He also reported sleeping better and being much less irritated with people and get this… he no longer had belly pain after he ate.
So what did I do? How did this happen? The body, everyone’s body is doing the best it can do. And when we find a problem…pain, inability to run… and it’s not healing despite good physical therapy there’s a good reason.
Simple put, the root cause has not been found yet.
I find root causes of chronic pains and correct them so the body can heal naturally and quickly.
I am writing this because I want you to know. If you are dealing with a pain that’s stopping you from running or stopping you from doing what you want to do in your life email me here.
I can schedule some individual time and let you know what I see that’s been slowing you down or standing in your way or stopping you from healing.
I’ve written quite a bit about this way of healing on our blog and talked about it on our Podcast When Doctors Have No Answers
Please spread the word. Let those who are struggling to get back to running or get back to health that there is an answer.
Jen and I are excited to be in Fairhaven now to help runners and others who have pain and have been struggling to find their answers to their health and healing.
Let’s get out there and Live…Really Live….
Ralph Havens PT IMTC
Physical therapist @BeyondLimitsPhysicalTherapy
Fairhaven Bellingham and the world.



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