by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | May 2, 2008 | chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Health, Health and Wellness, Integrative Manual Therapy, Nutrition and Diets, Physical Therapy
Over the 22 years I have been treating people with chronic pain, I have noticed an interesting phenomenon. About 2 years ago I noticed an alarming trend. More and more of our patients were showing signs of gluten sensitivity. Where as in the past some people needed to...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Apr 29, 2008 | chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Health and Wellness, Nutrition and Diets
hi all, here is the story of aspartame and why if you are using it, you are endangering your health. Anyone with seizure disorder should especially watch this video. Sweet Misery – A Poisoned World Video SWEET POISON In October of 2001, my sister started getting...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Apr 23, 2008 | chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Health and Wellness, Integrative Manual Therapy, Nutrition and Diets, Physical Therapy
It is my thought that we have a tendency to live life fast. We constantly drive ourselves harder and harder then wonder why we break. If you don’t service a car every so often – get an oil change or tune up, what happens to the car. The body is no...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Apr 18, 2008 | chronic pain, fibromyalgia, Health and Wellness, Integrative Manual Therapy, Nutrition and Diets, Physical Therapy
Hi everyone, I want to write a few thoughts about detox and diet and how we as physical therapists came to be doing so much detox and dietary work with our patients. Over the years, we’ve been able to help chronic pain sufferers actually clear their pains and...
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