I have some ways I describe matrix energetics here https://www.ralphhavens.com/matrix-energetics/
but when we do demos of matrix energetics or tell people about it, each time is different in the way I explain it and if I can demo it, it seems to help people “get it” more.
One way I’ve started thinking about it is :

say we lived in a place where we no longer could see the sun. there was just an artificial light that was slowly turned on at 6am and slowly turned off at 6 pm. But us “old timers” remembered what the sunrise was like or the sunset. So one day a young kid kept asking us what it was like and we talked about it, we told them some of the science about it and we tried to convey what it felt like to watch a sunrise. And as much as we tried to explain it we could tell it wasn’t getting quite through to the kid.

So one day we planned it out and snuck out of the enclosure and waited with the kid in the early morning darkness and as the sky brightened and then the sun peaked up over the horizon, we both knew that there was nothing to say. But it was magical.

So when someone wants to know about matrix energetics I try to demo it for them so they experience it. And what ever they say about it, at that point, we both know that it is really not that. it’s something much different. Even asking the question what is matrix energetics, may be the wrong question.

If you want a demo, please let us know as we have many ways to experience Matrix Energetics with us.  you can also sign up for our newsletter at the top of the page and I do a Matrix Energetics Session each Thursday at 2 pm pacific time for everyone on our newsletter list.  If you sit quietly at 2 pm pacific time on Thursday, notice what you notice that is different and let me know if you like at ralph@missionhillspt.com

We also do group demos for all sorts of groups.  If you have a group that would like to experience it please let us know and Jen and I can set that up for you.

Ralph Havens
matrix energetics certified practitioner



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