Some things I’ve noticed in this past week, which have been coming up over the past few years and are coming up more and more often;  As I’ve played in the Matrix Energetics world of transformation, I’ve noticed wonderful changes in my life, my family’s life, my friend’s lives, and our practice.  I’d have to say that in the past two years everything is different.  Yet there are things that I would label as “negative” still popping up; but in different ways.  So what to do when there are still negative things in life?  Since we’ve worked on letting go, transformation and playing with matrix energetics shouldn’t we have “everything perfect”?

This week listening to Adyashanti, taking advanced Wisdom Healing QiGong with Ming Tong Gu, reading through my notes of Richard Bartlett in prep for our Study Group that Jen and I lead in Matrix Energetics and listening to Justice Barltett in an interview with Kidest Om and reading through Jaden Phoenix’s book Beyond Human, I noticed the same pattern showing up. I want to share some insights from this past week.

What I came to was this:  What would it be like if the so called “negative” and so called “positive” things were both perfect.  What would it be like to not just accept something but to actually embrace it “as is”.  And then I looked at it and noticed the space that it all occupies and even the space of “it”.  And then what would it be like to notice “from this space”.

It’s an interesting shift in awareness.  What I’ve noticed is that when I notice from the space and notice as the space and notice where it is that I embrace the whole of “it”, there is something interesting that happens.  And it’s something I can’t put into words but it’s a feeling state or an experience.  It’s something I can track in my own body and in the space of me and the space around me.

What I have noticed that I can put into words is this:  The universe starts to show me little and even big synchronicity that show me that when I drop into this space I don’t have to “do” anything anymore.  As my friend Greg says “sometimes you just have to sit and let the world come to you”.  And that shows up for me.  The right people come in and help me, give me information, do the work for me or point me in the next step.  It’s a magical way to live.

I notice that the negative and the positive are both being totally completely enjoyed by the space, me, whatever you want to call this thing that can’t be put into words….

Some thoughts in this Sunday August 14th, 2011

~~Ralph Havens, spaceman

Ralph Havens, PT, OCS, IMTC, certified matrix energetics practitioner



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