A cool post about runners’s cadence.  I have videotaped runners and counted steps for years and I would say that most world class runners and a lot of local fast guys and gals run with a cadence of over 180 strides per minute.  What I’ve noticed as well is that toward the end of a race, many runners, especially the winning runners increase their cadence.  This study was done in the last 600 meters of a race when there was a big finishing kick.  So I would expect the cadence to be faster than the rest of the race.  Also, the winner Galan Rupp was actually closest to the 180 strides per minute at 187.  One thing I notice watching Galan Rupp and his new form since working with legendary runner and  coach Alberto Salazar is that he is lifted from his ribcage, chest area; what I call the Heart of Running.  It’s what I see in champion athletes in a lot of sports but especially running.

Check out the article at http://news.runnersworld.com/2012/07/09/data-disproves-180-steps-per-minute-rule/

and some great videos




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