: ATM Class Monday April 26th at 6:30pm

Shoulders Back, Part 3: Simple Effortless Posture

This week’s ATM class is called “Shoulders Back, Part 3: Simple Effortless Posture” and is a continuation of the ATM lessons of the last 2 weeks and will tie both of those lessons together. Do you swim, do yoga, or just find yourself rounded because you type a lot? These lessons are designed to allow you to find a way to improve your posture in a simple effortless manner. If you plan on attending, it would be beneficial to try the last 2 week’s lessons (Apr 12th/19th 2010) on the ATM Recordings page

WHEN: Mondays at 6:30pm

WHERE: Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego, 3680 6th Avenue, San Diego CA 92103

INSTRUCTOR: Falk Feddersen Ph.D.

COST: ATM Class is offered on a donation basis. There is no minimum donation. For the first class, no donation will be accepted.

If you have previous ATM experience, please come join us for some fun and diverse ATM lessons. If you are curious but have never tried an ATM lesson, don’t let it stop you. No prior experience is required. Class runs about a hour. If you were not able to attend, the ATM class mp3 audio recording will be available for free at ATM Recordings within a few days.

For a listing of other ATM classes in San Diego see Feldenkrais Teachers in San Diego. The Feldenkrais Institute of San Diego also hosts ATM classes Tuesday evening and Saturday morning.

For more information email If you would rather not receive these email updates, let me know and I will take you off of the list.

Looking forward to seeing you in ATM class. -Falk

Feldenkrais®Feldenkrais Method®, and Awareness Through Movement® are registered service marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America®.



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