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How to Heal & Transform Using Matrix Energetics with Ralph & Jen Havens

August 25th, 2014 Monday at Ralph & Jen’s Space
7626 Shady Ridge Road, Deming, Wa 98244
call for details and to be included 360.599.2217
Using technology from the fields of Matrix Energetics, Qigong, and more, Ralph Havens helps you access the infinite potential of the vacuum or space so you can heal and transform.
Matrix Energetics  is  a healing and transformational modality that accesses the vacuum or space which has infinite potential, information and energy.  It works in the expression of subtle energy physics. In this talk and demonstration,   Physical Therapist and Certified Matrix Energetics Practitioner Ralph Havens introduces this dynamic consciousness technology,  drawing also on the ancient practice of qigong, Integrative Manual Therapy, and other complementary approaches, so you can access  the infinite potential of the vacuum, and your own highest potential.
The demonstration & session will be unique to you and to the group.  These group sessions are a powerful way to heal and transform, and people tend to feel a lot of joy and laughter during the sessions. 
If you’re reading this, then you’re interested in healing and ready for a change or shift in your health and well being.  You might want to come and experience Matrix Energetics with us.  *
If you were to heal or transform something what might that be?
Ralph Havens and Jen Havens of Ralph Havens Physical Therapy, Bellingham, Wa and worldwide via phone and Skype

Ralph Havens and Jen Havens of Ralph Havens Physical Therapy, Bellingham, Wa and worldwide via phone and Skype



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