I ran across a great little blog post here.
about what is the source of Pain. There are some funny and insightful ideas.
here’s my post on it.
let me know what you all think
Ralph Havens, PT
This is funny and provocative. It’s refreshing to see us P.T.’s having a sense of humor. if there is one source of pain,what might that be? I think asking this open ended question and then letting go of any attachment to what we might see may let us see things in a way that may provide us with a clue of where to look. Being ok with not needing to know, what might we know? If we were to notice how much we really don’t know, absolutely, what might we notice?
From this space of unknowing, we may be lead to the answer. It’s an interesting way to approach a situation and a client. It’s open ended; it’s nonjudgmental; it’s full of chaos and of all possibilities. Maybe then we’d find it is actually in the cuboid 🙂
great post
Ralph Havens www.ralphhavensphysicaltherapy.com
Bellingham, Wa and worldwide via phone & Skype *
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