by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Mar 26, 2012 | running
Looking back on this, I almost didn’t notice it. There was a miracle that happened to me and I feel fortunate but as it was happening and as it happened, I nearly missed it. I had something big shift in me, but I didn’t notice it for years I think...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Apr 7, 2011 | running
Ralph, Thank you so much for the healing you did on my grandson. I have never mentioned this to my daughter because she is so sensitive about her son, but for a time I feared he might be autistic, but I no longer feel that way now. As an infant he would become...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Mar 5, 2011 | running
Here’s a success story from Sabrina over at Angel Eyes Optometry. She went gluten free upon our recommendations. She had been having signs and symptoms related to Thyroid issues. Here’s her recent email to us. Enjoy! Ralph and Jen Havens Beth (her...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Feb 20, 2011 | running
hi everyone, We are pleased to be able to offer specialized Integrative Manual Therapy and Matrix Energetics sessions as well as Health Coaching sessions with Kim Burnham, PhD in our clinic this week February 21st – 25th, 2011. Kim’s expertise is in Vision...
by Ralph Havens -- PT, IMTC & Certified Integrative Manual Therapy | Aug 15, 2010 | running
Free Events at Mission Hills Physical Therapy, while Kimberly Burnham, PhD is in San Diego Kimberly Burnham, PhD is working at Mission Hills Physical Therapy for 2 weeks at the end of August. Call 619-543-1470 for an appointment or to schedule time to observe and work...
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