

Thank you so much for the healing you did on my grandson.  I have never mentioned this to my daughter because she is so sensitive about her son, but for a time I feared he might be autistic, but I no longer feel that way now.  As an infant  he would become frustrated and would bang his head on the floor, on the door, on the wall or hit himself in the head with his fists.  It troubled me to no end to witness this.  And when he began daycare at 2 years of age and started catching the colds and fevers that a lot of kids go though when they come in close proximity with one another his fevers would spike and he’d go into seizures.  So when a friend suggested I bring him to you I welcomed the opportunity.


I realize you have only seen him once, but since you worked on him he has become a TOTALLY different child.  He is SO HAPPY…..constantly singing and laughing.  That evening when he went home from your office and his mother asked me what you had done it was very hard to explain to her so I asked her to just notice and explain to me the differences that she noticed in him.  Well that evening he picked up a piece of broccoli and began eating it as if were cotton candy.  Since then he eats spinach, green beans, celery, cabbage, constantly asks for milk.  You’ve done wonders for him.  The following day when I picked him up from school he took me around and told me the names of all three of his teachers and before we left his classroom he turned and blew them all a KISS!   This is totally different behavior for him, because before he was very quiet in school and didn’t want to speak according to his teachers.  NOW in the mornings when I leave for work he blows me a kiss and says “I love you and have a good day”.   I can’t believe the changes.


Don’t get me wrong he is by no means an angel.  We still have a few more issues I’d love for you to work with him on, but I WANT TO THANK YOU SINCERELY for the beautiful start you have given our baby boy.  There has been no more hitting himself in the head with his fists or banging his head on the floor.  He is now a gentle, loving, happy,  well-mannered…..well at least a typical 2 year old now.   Thanks again Ralph!


A Very Grateful Grandmother!


March 10th, 2016

I had foot drop in 2008 and while I was visiting I had IMT and my foot was getting stronger by the end of the week and finished with more PT after I got home. In 2009, Ralph was here for the Columbus Marathon and it was after I had a pacemaker inserted and had been working on being able to get my arm back up above my head. I could only reach my left arm up to about 6″ below my right arm, when Ralph worked on me, with Matrix Energetics, for maybe 10 minutes. I started to feel a pain in my left trapezius muscle and then felt a sensation that the pain corkscrewed out of my body. At that time I could then get my left arm as high as my right arm. I am mostly a left brain person and understand concrete things, so I don’t understand how Ralph does it, but he helps people.



December 24th, 2015

I felt sick for a few minutes after the session but soon after there was a veil lifted. My right leg hurt and then the pain went away. I felt clearer about life, about what I want, my goals, my aspirations. Felt very focussed about what I want to create in my life. I guess the right foot is about the masculine going forward. The bits of aimlessness that I’ve lived with all my life…vanished after the session

My deepest gratitude to you Ralph, you do amazing work

Thank you,



December 18th, 2015

I did the online streaming session with you in October and now I would like to let you know what happened after that. I met a woman who told me about my life purpose and so on.I had talked to some other people about this before, but this time it’s different and it’s the first time I have a version of my life purpose which feels right for me!

And I also got 2 concerts in which I did great job as leader. Again, I had been a good leader for many projects. But this time it was special. I felt different maybe because it was created from the heart field!

Thank you so much Ralph for your great help! These experiences made me very happy. This is what I have been looking for. To experience life from the heart!


November 23rd, 2015
My daughter noticed an awareness (almost like a headache in her third eye area) as soon as we left. She also experienced images while in the session that we’re also new to her.
 I have experienced some new range of motion in my big toe that I hadn’t had for quite some time. I also seem to have had less knee joint and shoulder joint inflammation. It was really a great experience!
Thank you so much for letting us join the group on 11/21, it was a life changing experience to watch you work!  Many thanks!

October 23rd, 2015

”  I am “straightening up and flying right!” My posture is shifting, my bones are realigning and my discipline to tune into my bodymind and enhance the trail of energy I experience is a daily occurrence.
My body is shifting at the sacrum. My feet have opened up, all weight evenly distributed and I feel the earth connection channel. My knee congestion seems immaterial, as if the feet and sacrum are taking care of them without my conscious attention!
The reason why I struggle with self-acceptance became clear yesterday. And what an easy fix it really is! Love your mother…..all mothers, all mothering, Mother Earth. It’s all the same.
Thank you so much. That can sound so trite yet from my heart to yours, blessings! “

October 21st, 2015

 I feel more confident. I feel stronger. I’m much calmer as well. I am loving the new me.
Everyday was a struggle.. every day a dilemma in trying to make the smallest decisions.. I had to ask sum1 else for opinion to make decisions for myself… today. I can decide.. without 2nd guessing.. without panicking.. I am still able to help with sum1 else’s decision.
Ralph. U can’t  imagine the gift u have given me.. I just want to become better and better. I want to grow more.. personally.. intelectually. Emotionally.  I don’t only wnt to help myself. But I want to also come to a stage where I can touch other people’s hearts without getting emotional about  it.  I want to work with u more.
I once again
Thank u. I thank u.. I thank u..
I am eternally great full to u.

January 15th, 2015

 Ralph’s work is truly cutting edge. I love that it is gentle but yet so effective. He is able to identify blockages that we personally may not be aware of and help shift it’s energy into something new and full of possibilities. I was able to be a part of a group session that was fun, intriguing, and helpful for all involved. The free Thursday email sessions have show shifts as well. In particular my infant son has not been pooping regularly and after he was used as a surrogate that Thursday he pooped. And has been shortening the length of time in between BMs. Some other changes that I have experienced is the bringing of useful tools into my field. I have seen good changes come from Ralph’s works and would recommend anyone to participate in a session and see what shifts for you. Thanks so much for your kindness Ralph and Jenn!


October 15th, 2015

January 15th, 2015

 Ralph’s work is truly cutting edge. I love that it is gentle but yet so effective. He is able to identify blockages that we personally may not be aware of and help shift it’s energy into something new and full of possibilities. I was able to be a part of a group session that was fun, intriguing, and helpful for all involved. The free Thursday email sessions have show shifts as well. In particular my infant son has not been pooping regularly and after he was used as a surrogate that Thursday he pooped. And has been shortening the length of time in between BMs. Some other changes that I have experienced is the bringing of useful tools into my field. I have seen good changes come from Ralph’s works and would recommend anyone to participate in a session and see what shifts for you. Thanks so much for your kindness Ralph and Jenn!


before the August Online Healing and Transformation session from S.K.

What I’d like to shift:
Beliefs surrounding self-worth (insecurity, doubt, self-limiting thought patterns)
Abundance of good things (general happiness, positive relationships, finances)
My state of allowing, receptivity and openness
My posture (rounded shoulders, tight pecs/anterior neck musculature)
Chronic upper back/neck/shoulder tension (left side especially e.g., left atlas, clicking left TMJ, left SCM/scalenes, left upper trap/levator scap, left jaw/ear issues)
Chronic dysmenorrhea
After the August Healing and Transformation Session from S.K.

Ok much different today and even late last night. THe pain is almost totally gone from the left side. ROM has no pain or restriction like it did before. But I can still feel the pattern if that makes sense. It’s as if I can still feel the old morphic pattern even tho the physical manifestation of it has disappeared. Probably a lot like the phantom limb phenomenon. I’m more aware of my postural correction now…like the new posture is kicking in repeatedly and is working up to being the new normal. Mentally I feel more confident but the emotional part is not far behind.

Feeling good!! Thanks again, as always 🙂
and a week after the session again from S.K.
Confidence level is up and I’ve received a new job offer to get the passive income I’ve been trying to manifest over the past 5 months. Came out of ‘nowhere’ and is something that is lined up with my passions. I’m very excited! I was actually offered two opportunities the same day. One was in line with my passions and one was not. It was so nice to have both back to back so that I could really feel the difference.
Posture is still coming along. Neck ROM is still great. The musculature is still a bit tight (feels like occiput/clavicle trap attachments and SCM…possibly also scalenes/pec minor) but the atlas trouble is nearly gone…maybe 25% lingering. That’s a massive improvement! The biggest thing is that I didn’t need to go get an adjustment to get the improvement. I’m glad to have such a nice alternative! I was raised to pretty much believe chiro was the end all/be all to this problem. Which is ironic since I’ve been dealing with it for so long with no lasting results, HAHA! So just to know that the mental shift has happened is such a blessing. Thank you 🙂


October 9th, 2015

I’m feeling s huge shift after yesterday’s session. I feel so alive and connected to myself. Be kind!! It’s flowing, the kindness is flowing. It’s such a beautiful experience and state to be in. I feel in the moment. Your work is incredible and priceless.


April 16th, 2015

I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to this phenomenal work that is being done .
I am indeed truly Blessed to be a part of these healing sessions . Thank you .

After last weeks session, I immediately began to feel my health recover. I cannot even explain my recovery process. A beautiful miracle. Where I once thought that my health will forever be compromised ,I now feel and see the hope.
I consulted with two Doctors this week and they both were very pleased at my remarkable recovery . The wound is now 80% better and perhaps another two weeks and I should fully recover .

Ralph I felt compelled to write to you many times but was very embarrassed to do so , it feels like I am constantly complaining but then I had a realization. We are continuous changing beings. With this change we are challenged at every moment. For some it is easy and for others it is s struggle . I know that some of my recent challenges have been overwhelming.
I thank you and all those who assist with the healing.
Whilst I was once hesitant I am now a firm believer of energetic healing .



Hi Ralph,
I wanted to let you know that my joint pain has decreased significantly, I’ve lost 5 lbs of water weight since I saw you.
I also feel a shift in making myself a priority/self love…non-codependance.
Thank you,  L.H.

February 13th, 2015

 My eye has certainly gotten
better and a tension that I was feeling in my abdomen is much more relaxed
as well. Also my jaw has found a way to relax! I am noticing other shifts
too in my relationships and I am really thankful for the work!

Thank you so much again! I am really happy to have become acquainted with
you and your work!

Many blessings!     LL

Hi Ralph,

Since last week’s financial issues ME play you did I’m having one of my best income week’s in a quite a while. Several transactions had been in the works for weeks and several of those manifested this week and more anticipated going into next week and a couple of unexpected clients showing up.
My ego of course, wants to know how it happened and also how to keep it going and growing so that’s a suggestion for next week’s ME group healing that you do.
I’m so grateful that our paths have crossed.
Sincerely,     N.S.

December 22nd, 2014

things have been interesting lately…very in the FLOW would be the easiest way to explain it; clarity, and effortlessness and in so doing I am getting a LOT done.  Its a good space to be in “
  “It’s a  session that will give you $10,000 worth if clarity. Just trust me on it “



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