My friend Jaime is a medical doctor working with GI disorders. He’s one of my running friends from San Diego. We were all hanging out in his backyard after a great run in the Pennasquitas Canyon. Beautiful trails and great time eating breakfast and hanging out with my friends.
He has an awesome pool. It’s a unique shape and he had many pool guys come by and draw up their plans and tell him what they thought it could look like. The were well educated, had computer programs and very high tech ideas.
Then there was this guy. Who walked in wearing old beat up board shorts and barefoot. and he had a sack of white flour. He just stood there in the backyard not saying anything. Just looking and standing there.
Then he walked around and dropped flour on the ground and mapped out a pool perimeter. Told Jaime what it would look like and that was it.
That’s the guy Jaime hired. How did he know? How did Jaime know? It felt right; he knew. The guy was authentically himself. He was doing what he did. He wasn’t bound by what others thought of him or anything but his work and what he was to do; what he was here to do.
I love this story as it shows what people are really looking for when hiring someone; hiring a doctor, a therapist, a contractor, a painter, or visiting a store or seeing music. You can feel when it’s authentic; when it’s raw; when there is not pretense. When someone is lined up with their heart’s desires; their Telos; path and purpose; their ultimate path and purpose.
you can feel it. you know it. it resonates because it’s what they truly are. It’s what you truly are; you’re authentic self.
What is your Telos? What is your heart’s desires? Those things you keep thinking of; those things you would do if you didn’t need to make money or live a certain way to get by. What is it that you really want?
What might it feel like to have it? What emotions would you feel? Go there.
You have done a lot to do what is expected; to get ahead; to play by certain rules; there are things that had to be done and you did it. There are things you’re doing for really good reasons. You do this now.
If you might want to drop into the space where your heart’s desires are manifested; are done; what might you feel? You might want to feel that now. If you might want to live another way and line up with your heart’s desires. What you are here to do; drop me a line 360.599.2217 .
For what does your heart desire? If you might like a session to play in this infinite and drop into the space where it’s done you can call me or email me.
Ralph Havens
Healing and Transformation Sherpa
Online Healing and Transformation Sessions each month with Ralph *

Ralph Havens and Jen Havens of Ralph Havens Physical Therapy, Bellingham, Wa and worldwide via phone and Skype
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