I was asked today to explain a bit about how healing at a distance can work.  I thought I’d send out the email I sent him and expand on it at a later date.

here it is!  Ralph Havens



great meeting you on the phone!
I’ll send you some info here on what has been our experience with Matrix Energetics and Integrative Manual Therapy.
First here is some of the science of why it might be that it works.  We have seen it work, but the why of it all may be explained by this physics.
and here’s some emails that I’ve received from clients over the years.  It can give you an idea of others and how they’ve been helped.
here’s a link
and here’s another from a grandmother who came with her grandson for a session
here’s a description I’ve used for our website of matrix energetics; an explanation of it.
and another one
and here’s the matrix energetics website www.matrixenergetics.com
To see newsletters on matrix energetics and integrative manual therapy here’s a link



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